It is ridiculous to compare the price of a high end PC to a video game console. amirite?
by Anonymous1 year ago
ye, I like PC.
but a couple things to consider are the fact that consoles got exclusives, and also a lot of the high end games are better epitomized on consoles cause they're closed systems.
by Anonymous1 year ago
PC has way more exclusives though...
by Anonymous1 year ago
Exclusives are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Most Playstation and XBox games come out on PC. Even Sony first party games often come to PC after a couple of years now. Nintendo is the big holdout
by Anonymous1 year ago
but with PlayStation, they're usually older games that they allow on PC. so its still a waiting game I think.
And obviously with Nintendo it is what it is.
and again, if if they do release their triple A games on PC.. it usually doesn't perform as well despite the insane power of the PC's.. because its much harder to optomize for the PC.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Those don't really matter. Eventually we can simulate those games.
What you seem to forget is that PC has many more exclusives than all the consoles combined.
Bad optimization is terrible though, but it's not exclusive to PC. It's a symptom of pushing out games before they're actually ready to be released.
by Anonymous1 year ago
There are far more PC exclusive games. Such as most of the indie games.
by Anonymous1 year ago
As others have said, exclusive titles is pretty much an obsolete concept.
Xbox has decided that first party titles will release day one on PC.
Sony has a studio dedicated to bringing first party titles to PC. It's only timed exclusivity at this point.
Nintendo games can be legally emulated on PC.
The best optimized games still can't reach the level of fidelity compared to PC in most cases (recent AAA games have had poor ports).
by Anonymous1 year ago
consoles are typically sold at a loss. all the money is in the games.
by Anonymous1 year ago
And the multiplayer fee.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Unpopular opinion? More like Uneducated.
A better comparison would be comparing your jacked up truck with a commuter car.
Sure, you can tow a trailer, haul loads, go off-roading, and probably rip by me on a highway, but for commuting to downtown, well you're spending a lot of extra money just to look cool.
by Anonymous1 year ago
i agree your opinion is unpopular. i disagree with it JUST because you mention the word ridiculous.
it's not ridiculous to compare the price of the 2, it simply is an unfair comparison. not ridiculous.
yes i am arguing language semantics. but also, despite it being unfair we still need to factor in price. if i had 500 USD and wanted something to game on, i would list down my choices. PC despite having more functions will still be on that list.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Who compares the prices??
by Anonymous1 year ago
by Anonymous1 year ago
I just think it's ridiculous that gaming itself is becoming a luxury more than a pastime.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Your maths is off by a long mile. Let's say the total cost for a console is indeed $1000. This is basically 50% of the price of an RTX 4090. So a high end graphics card alone is twice as expensive as the total price for a console for 7-8 years (games excluded). A high end gaming PC is 5-6 grand.
by Anonymous1 year ago
If I built my PC 10 years ago and still use it with only a graphics card update does that count?
by Anonymous1 year ago
A 10 year old PC can play old games! An Xbox has full backwards compatibility. But not a Switch or PS5 xD
by Anonymous1 year ago
Yeah well I'm a ridiculous kind of guy
by Anonymous1 year ago
You can also use a controller on a pc if using a controller is the main reason for opting towards a console.
by Anonymous1 year ago
If you can build me a PC for $500 that plays GoW 2018 at the same frame rate and resolution that a PS5 plays it at then I would be down.
A PS5 pro is probably around the corner for a $600 dollar price tag that can do a bit more though. With the GPU market I just don't even feel compelled to make the switch.
by Anonymous1 year ago
When consoles were releasing every 2 years; a pc that covered everything for the next 6 years was better.
Now that pcs are over priced; consoles release much slower.making them better for budget.
Times change. But a PC will always be superior to console. True 4k resolution, textures. And features that a console simply cant have until the next release.
Only thing of worth to me is exclusives. Looking at getting a switch for the zelda games!
by Anonymous1 year ago
I've heard legal emulation of Switch titles on PC is a superior experience.
I agree that that PCs are expensive in the current market, but it's the wide array of possible functions that a PC can perform is what makes a PC and console not comparable. When Covid hit I was using my PC to update the resume and fill out job applications and other work related tasks.
It's the usefulness outside of gaming that makes comparisons illogical to me.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Didn't read your entire explanation, but just popped in here to say that all my friends have high end pc's ($1200+), and I play on console. My friends always have something wrong with there pc's, (needs to be dusted, needs to update anti-virus, fps spikes, idk you get the point) while my Xbox that has been used consistently for about 5 hours a day for 5 years straight is still running flawlessly like a champ. (It's split between me and 2 other people)
by Anonymous1 year ago
Consoles can function as media centers too, playing movies on disc and using streaming services.
by Anonymous1 year ago
It can but the it's still limited. For example, I know that Sony has a deal with Spotify. Spotify doesn't work on Xbox as far as I know. I also don't know what streaming services do and don't work on various platforms. I do know that PC does all of it.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Consoles are sold as loss leaders so saying the retail price doesn't really matter. It's more about the hardware then the price.
I'm a PC gamer for 25 years, I buy all the Nintendos but watching my buddy play games on his ps5 and it looks amazing.
I like pc because its hooked up to all my tvs and screens and I do music with it. Consoles are fine for certain people.
by Anonymous1 year ago
This argument has existed since 7th gen, arguably 6th gen.
Just let people play on whatever they want
by Anonymous1 year ago
I just don't like comparing the price of hardware that shouldn't be compared. That's all I'm trying to say.
by Anonymous1 year ago
I'm a PC gamer and I like PC. But the problem with PCs is that they are 5 times more expensive than consoles, I mean if you want a high end PC. And even then some games don't run perfectly smooth. While on consoles you have tons of FPS-s because all games are optimized for them and you don't have to worry that you won't be able to run something.
by Anonymous1 year ago
I think it's the other way around. There are a ton of games on PC that aren't on console at an. It's only the AAA market that isn't doing well on the PC currently.
by Anonymous1 year ago
A duel is a battle between two similars.
As you just explained, they are far from being similar, that being said, I totally agree with you, it is a ridiculous comparison.
by Anonymous1 year ago
1000 over a few years or all at once?
Best to compare a 500 PC and a series X
by Anonymous1 year ago
Even then, someone who is spending $500 on a PC is looking for an experience that's very different to a console. Such a person is probably not playing AAA titles. But that's what I like about PC. It's that you can tailor the experience to what you want.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Why do I own a PC? So that I can be cool and pirat.... urm I mean, watch YouTube while playing games.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Take into account the fact I've pirated most games I own and I've made the money back and more anyway. Can't do that on most consoles.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Can you do that at all on consoles? Making money by not streaming?
by Anonymous1 year ago
I'm a casual gamer. PS5 suits me fine.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Nothing wrong with that! I think most console players are a lot more casual than PC players. xD
by Anonymous 1 year ago
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