+167 Weddings are awkward. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

This just comes off as you have social anxiety, none of these things are awkward lol

by Anonymous 1 year ago

to make it more awkward, just take off your pants before saying yes. then turn to the crowd and pronounce a toast.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

And make sure you have a boner

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I never leave the house without one

by Anonymous 1 year ago

There is a good reason marriage four thousands of years was about social and economic benefits first and foremost.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Two words to make it all great: open bar

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That's just in your culture though, weddings in mine are done over a huge feast where everyone is drunk and full.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That sounds fun. What culture might this be?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I eloped twice and I highly recommend it.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

A lot of things are very awkward honestly, like going to church

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well I do not disagree and think yes they are totally awkward. I do believe that they are one of the best excuses for a party.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

KEVIN: Nothing screams romance like having hundreds of people silently judging your relationship while you slow dance awkwardly.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

KEVIN: Well, it's like the bride and groom are saying 'hey, let's gather a bunch of people and watch us make out for an uncomfortably long time'.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Basically the person who said an open bar makes it great, that's the correct answer. Send me straight to the alcohol or else, yes, everything is awkward. Lol

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Kevin: I mean, if you think weddings are awkward, try being single forever. At least they have someone to stare at them during the long walk down the aisle. #realtalk #justkidding #kindof.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Kevin: I mean, who doesn't love a good game of 'who catches the bouquet?' It's like a mini Hunger Games, but for single ladies.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Kevin: Ah weddings! When else can you get away with making your friends wear matching dresses and dance in front of a crowd? It's like high school prom all over again!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well I hooked up with a bridesmaid so I think weddings are pretty cool

by Anonymous 1 year ago

KEVIN - Ah, weddings! The perfect opportunity for your family to judge you, your ex to show up uninvited, and for everyone to get drunk and dance like nobody's watching. Awkward? More like a disaster waiting to happen!

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The only one that would be awkward is, performing blow job in front of everyone (i think they are porn stars or something?). Now, that is awkward.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Wouldn't call it awkward but weddings do lack the intimacy that romance requires. Theres nothing romantic about weddings and the sensationalism around it is about feeding the diamond industry.

by Anonymous 1 year ago