+123 Married People with children think the whole world revolves around them, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Why do you want a turf war between families and single people? This is unhinged… You know that as a single person you have the same liberties as families but more time taking them? PS: All these things you wish for singles do actually exist.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Uh so as a married mom I should feel bad? My brother is a single childless dude. That's his choice. Neither of us feel any way towards each other? Sorry this was to OP

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I had a family. I'm referring to how people lately do not mind their kids, let them be obnoxious and act like whole world revolves that child. And then act like, well, these people had choice to have no child so tough luck on them. Let them deal with my out of control brat that I constantly am checking their feelings. It's annoying and I want one day a week free of them.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You noticed that you suddenly swiched from „the world somehow revolves around families" to „loud kids annoy me". If you are annoyed, it's a you problem.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Really? It's a me problem. It's a me problem that nobody talks anything but their kids. It's a me problem that kids are obsessed on instead of told to go keep their place. When I was kid, children were sent to other room to eat during holidays. Parents used to have a child-free life sometimes. Now they sit like helicopters obsessed about their kids. Failing to even teach the kids to be polite. One day you'll have no kids and you'll see. Why should I have to put up with other people's rude kids? Why? Exactly what I'm referring to here. One hour a week designated..no talking incessantly about your kids. What a dream.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yeah definitely a you problem. A) If you only surround yourself with parents, you will hear about their kids. Get to know other people B) If you get triggered hearing about other kids, go and get some help

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You clown. That's my point. How do you meet people not families that are not looking to date. You get your kids two decades. You can figure out later it's not a "me problem" and society is kid obsessed. People used to have life outside kids

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Since fertility rates have been consistently dropping for years, I wouldn't say society is "kid obsessed"

by Anonymous 1 year ago

You're complaining online that you can't solve the issue of how to talk with parent friends without focusing the conversation solely on their kids and I am the clown for saying (shurely provocative but still) that there are multiple solutions. Yeah…

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Did anyone here want to talk about anything but their own virtue signalling. Nope. My request was reasonable. But nope I got to hear how perfect married people are. Boring.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Never said married people are perfect, they are indeed like any other people, sometimes they can't come out of their shell just like people who divert their frustration about their own friends on kids in general. Also I have no clue what you talk virtue signalling.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Whose kids are you putting up with? Do you work in a daycare or something? You want time with single people around and no kids, go to a bar in an evening.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't drink and don't want to date and don't want to converse with drinkers. Why answer me? You're just another person thinks I should spend my life hearing about your kids or go suffer in smelly bar like a loser.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I'm sorry but huh???

by Anonymous 1 year ago

First of all, I wasn't looking for date clubs. I was looking for a space free of children. Like a designated hour of the week to not see them at the store. It's that today's parents are not teaching them manners. They are not correcting them for being disruptive and encouraging them to talk about their screaming brats feelings.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Try everywhere during school hours.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Good point. Then covid happened and online learning. Now they seem everywhere. However what I'm preferring is an hour where people chatting can say ..hello how are you? And not have to hear about kids.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't know where you live but I can go out late and don't see nor hear any kids. Or is your problem that people have kids and tell you about them?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My problem is people used to send kids to other room to eat on holiday. They used to have time free of kids. Then helicopter parents dragged them into every sphere. Around 25 all my friends married and became helicopters. All they talk of is their kids, their spouse and there is no end to it. I raised my family & kids. Even then I found it grotesque that people seem on a quest to virtue signal that they had a kleenex handy for every hurt feeling. So yes, I just got a desire to shout out that I want a way to converse about life outside your kids little league.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Then you have a problem with all of your friends. Why generalize?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Please find a theme park developer who would miss our on the money available by catering to families 😄 I mean, yeah, parents are going ro think the world revolves around their kids. What do singles get instead? I dunno, freedom to travel, have random hookups, not have to save for college, sleep, etc.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Memo to you. You won't have kids your whole life. They will grow up and move on like mine did, then you'll see what I'm talking about.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

By the time they do, you're in a whole different phase of life though.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

With nobody to hang out with and awaiting to talk only about grandkids. And today's parents have no agenda fo teach their kids to behave. They disrupt public spaces and rather than discpline they ask them to talk about feelings. I'd like one day free to explore without them around.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Disrupt? You make it sound like they're wild animals that make it unsafe for you to go places.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

When your kids are grown, come talk with me. People used to train their kids to be polite & not dusrupt. Ever since helicopter parents started the parents are lost in delusions that the world must cater to their child. Im old enough to clearly recall the past was better. I'd like a few hours free per week or a holiday day free of helicopters & their children.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Exactly where do you want to go that kids and their heliparents are wearing you off? A park in the DMZ?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't know DMZ. When you finish your self-righteous eras of parenting you can come chat me. When the next generation's parents become even more helicopter and demand you cater to them...hit me up. Thanks.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

That's a nice way not to answer. And to direct all your issues to current families 😏 Sure sounds like you don't actually want to admit some things.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Why is it complicated? Oh yes because you are too young to recall a world free of helicopter parents. People used to have lives outside the kids. They used to send kids to other room to eat on holiday. They used to teach them to not disrupt others. Now their kids kick people in groin, disrupt public pools, play on shopping carts and ask them about their feelings when they fall off the carts they were using as balance beams. It's not unhealthy to have a life outside your kid obsession, btw

by Anonymous 1 year ago


by Anonymous 1 year ago

I hope this is ironic

by Anonymous 1 year ago

And how would it be ironic? When I was young, people trained their kids to be polite. Now they act like whole world must cater to their child's feelings. It's obsessive.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Holidays surrounding people who are just... meh. Nah, ya'll's existence is mostly holiday anyways. Lets let the parents who are actually giving some effort to the next generation have the holidays. Ya'll just keep hanging at the bar every meaningless Tuesday night:)

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Assumptions. I already raised a kid and don't go to the bar. Even then it felt all that mattered was married people and their kids. See how rude your reply was to singles.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

God I hate having insomnia.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Their whole world does.

by Anonymous 1 year ago