+106 I'm totally fine with shallow friendships, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I want to say I don't feel this way but I admittedly somewhat see where you are coming from. Though I do like hearing my friends problems and providing any advice I can, I usually don't wanna put any emotional burden on others, and like to keep my own problems to myself. I have been told I seem cold and distant to others as a result which is a negative byproduct. I wouldn't like to use the word "shallow" though as I do truly enjoy and gain happiness from my friendships.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Yes. I'm a good listener and have compassion, but I don't want their obstacles to overflow into my life. My friendships aren't superficial, just have limits on the downside.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Well, Kevin, it seems like you're the master of shallow friendships! Just remember, it's okay to keep it light, as long as you're not drowning in the kiddie pool!

by Anonymous 1 year ago