+156 Factory 'farming' of animals should be banned, pasture raised animals should be promoted and protected. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It should be But it's more expensive than factory farming and people are already bitching about the price of factory farmed products

by Anonymous 11 months ago

> are already bitching about the price of factory farmed products Well if they're already bitching then what's the difference?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Whoever opts for factory farming will undercut those who don't and profit so much as to drive them out of business

by Anonymous 11 months ago

meh, it will be like slavery, unfortunately still around, but people only buy products produced by it if they don't know how it was produced (except for diamonds, people seem to be ok with slavery being used to mine rocks for some reason). Factory farming will be looked at with the same kind of horror in the future.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You're assuming people GAF about how dinner was treated. PETA tried to make folks care and became a punch line

by Anonymous 11 months ago

> PETA tried to make folks care in the beginning, lately they seem to just want to create conflict and make people hate them. Maybe they got coopted by idiots or meat industry stooges.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree but yeah, we'd have to eat like 1/11 the amount of meat we do if we eat ethically raised animals. It'd be wayy more expensive and most people would have majority plant based diets anyways. (or turn to other alternatives like bugs or lab meat)

by Anonymous 11 months ago

> I agree but yeah, we'd have to eat like 1/11 interesting number, do you have any data or do you just like the number 1?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I think you are over-estimating the difference in "healthiness" of the food produced by the different methods. I'm also unconvinced that "factory farmed" livestock has more effect on global warming than the same number of animals on pasture.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

> I'm also unconvinced that "factory farmed" livestock has more effect on global warming than the same number of animals on pasture. There's a ton of research out there. Pasture raised animals can be beneficial for the environment. Obviously you're not going. to be raising anywhere near as many animals though.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

That could work if our population was lower. Feeding 8 billion people is unfortunately not pretty.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

> That could work It could and it will. It's not like continuing factory farming is an option. We will have to eat less. I'm fine with it, if the meat I am eating is wild and/ or pasture raised.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Only the wealthy would be able to afford real meat at that point. It would be bug burgers for the masses.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

How bout just not eat them? Problem solved.

by Anonymous 11 months ago