+202 Sitting can get as dangerous as smoking. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree. There was a study about sitting in the last few decades obesity has increased, just like how sitting time increased.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Can confirm. I used to be 220 with a decent body at 5'8 now I'm 305 with what looks like a donut around my waist and realizing that I've not only let myself go so bad but I might have to go to the docs to get my weight down since I cannot lose the weight no matter how much I exercise I now am so out of shape running is getting to be a hard task. Having to do anything even satisfying myself is a chore (that's when I realized I have a problem). I won't lie even if you are at a desk job DO NOT SIT FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME!!! I might have health problems because of my weight as well compounded with the fact my body is starting to slow down naturally as I'm hitting 30 and I can't do what I could when I was 16. It's not a good idea to slow down. Now I'm realizing why farmers are working until they're 90+. The moment you begin to relax your body wants to stay this way and you wither and die faster.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I think you mean to say, "a sedentary life can be as dangerous as smoking." I would certainly agree that it is potentially a major cause of chronic illness.

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago

Why do we always have to make dumb comparisons to make a point? "Sitting can be dangerous" is a completely fine thing to say.

by Anonymous 11 months ago