+211 Meatloaf is a disappointing use of ingredients. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah but it's easy.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Meatloaf was originally made to help "stretch" ingredients to make a satisfying meal. A lot of people like it for nostalgic reasons.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Meatloaf also provides a convenient "format" for leftovers: can be sliced up for sandwich meat.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

To make hamburgers, chili, or ~~seasoned beef that you could pair with~~ almost anything, you need a lot of other ingredients. Meatloaf is nice because it uses ingredients you likely already have on hand. It's why it's such a widely-known recipe. If you want to do burgers, you need to also have buns and lettuce and tomatoes and all that. If you want to make chili, you need to have peppers and beans and tomatoes and zucchini (or whichever variation of ingredients you use). If you want to pair seasoned beef with something, you need to have something to pair it with! Having the ingredients to make meatloaf means you have the ingredients to make meatloaf. Yeah, they are some of the ingredients to make other things as well, but just because you have ground beef doesn't mean you have all the other things to make these other options with it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Those are not the "standard" ingredients. My meatloaf is delicious and isn't even made with beef.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Meatloaf can incorporate your leftover veggies, milk, and bread. It uses many ingredients on hand to make into a meal. You don't buy things specifically to make a meatloaf unless you're missing like one cheap ingredient like an onion or something. This is a dish designed to make use of your leftovers to make a cheap meal. I also think it's tasty enough to justify preparing. And it's easy. All you do is throw everything into a mixing bowl and then form it into shape on a baking pan.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'd rather a nice meatloaf than a burger, chili is literally awful (might be my unpopular opinion), and "seasoned beef" is so vague.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's so tasty! I'll have yours, please

by Anonymous 11 months ago

That just means you're using the wrong ingredients.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Based on that ingredients list I don't know if mine even counts as meatloaf anymore...

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You haven't had MY meatloaf

by Anonymous 11 months ago