+165 Bees are not "better" than wasp. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Wasps are just assholes. Bumblebees>bees>wasps>hornets That's a scientific fact I just made up!

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I don't exactly wish extinction on all wasps, but you have to admit that some species simply do more to prop up ecosystems and ensure the survival of other species, and bees are uniquely beneficial to humans and the environment as a whole. Saying that a bee is no "better" than a tapeworm, for instance, is just the ecological version of cultural relativism.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Wasps are evil. Bees are friendly and kind. That is all.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Sometimes I really, really want to know what kind of lives people live and what kind of social structures they are part of so that some of they things they say are "unpopular opinions" in their heads.

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago

Archophobia intensives

by Anonymous 11 months ago