+167 Super Mario was such a good game it became the stereotype for videogames. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Salient points. A fun rabbit hole is YouTube and podcasts on customer experience. There's good talks out there from conventions and such for hospitality or other services. One of the items stressed are the salient points. Moments that are not sandwiched between two other events. For example on first arriving at a hotel. That first impression has a larger impact on the overall memory of how a person feels about a place afterwards. This is why some hotels may have champaign waiting for you on arrival. Or a 5pm wine event or some sort in the lobby, generally at the time of day most arrive to check-in. Or similarly, may go above and beyond when checking out such as complimentary luxury car to the airport. Within the United States, when the Nintendo Entertainment System released one of the first experiences anyone had was playing Super Mario Bros. Salient point. For the first generation to grow up with videogames in the home. That became a classic they then also shared with their little brothers/sisters, and later their kids. There were other systems before that and other games. But bifurcated. People purchased what they wanted. There were few titles where every single customer owned it. At a time when there were few other competing games. Today those who were kids when that happened may be in their 40s. Still fresh in memory. Able to bring back memories of childhood.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Baldur's gate. The return of actually good single player games with no micro transactions or online passes

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah. All those other Italian plumber games really add up.

by Anonymous 11 months ago