+147 Rage is a better place to be in than sadness. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Better feeling, but still irrational and potentially damaging. It often drives you towards poor choices that feel good at the time, but are detrimental to you and/or your image. I speak from plenty of experience. Rage was my go to for avoiding pain for a long time and it is a hard detrimental path to break

by Anonymous 11 months ago

If you're in a pit of despair you're often going to be an irrational agent regardless. Now I'm not saying simply indulge in your base emotions and feelings, you need to utilize your broken or difficult moments in the best ways you can. Sadness in my observation of myself and others seems to be like atrophy. You stay that, ruminate in it, you let it consume you, and by the time you're out of it you've lost a lot of yourself. Rage for all it's danger, if it can be controlled, is much more useful for an individual. I think that controlling what you can do with sadness is far more difficult, and in my opinion less effective.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Anger is a considered a secondary feeling which is a reaction to a primary feeling. More than often it stems from a feeling related to sadness, shame or impotence. It's a way to protect ourself when we feel voulnerable or unable to protect something we care about, including our values. The negative thing with secondary feelings though, is that they don't reflect our actual needs. For example if i get jealous at my girlfriend when i find out she has been texting with a guy from work. Jealousy is something we feel out of fear for loosing our partner, but if i express anger towards her, i'm more likely to loose her than solving the situation. In this example, the secondary feeling might provide me with the exact opposite of what my primary feeling is telling me that i need. If i express voulnerability in shape of concerns, i'm more likely to get compassion and will be more open to a reasonable conversation about it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Rage is blind anger, not just anger. Directed anger is better than sadness. Rage is when you become dangerous to yourself and others because there's one thing making you see red.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm shooting from the hip but, I imagine a lot of people would be much more willing to help a sad person than a raging one.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Going on personal experience, I have to disagree. Rage can be very detrimental to your sanity and relationships, as well as physically destructive. I've never punched a hole in a wall or done anything I've later regretted out of sadness.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The thing with rage, if you go too far, be prepared for the consequences. You do the crime, you do the time, or play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Rage is a natural emotion. It is a reaction to something bad that is happening. Sadness is a terrible, destructive emotion. It is a reaction to things that are completely out of your control.

by Anonymous 11 months ago