+147 Success on YouTube is not possible anymore as an average person, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

>An average person with just a little bit of creativity and effort, in the 2010's, could create a vaguely entertaining/funny video at home, and have it go viral, and continue growing in popularity for their very "regular person" videos, ideas and filming. No, even 10 years ago only a very small amount of videos went viral and got more than a few thousand views. Youtube has changed, but outside of maybe the first 2 or 3 years it has always only been the select few best people combined with some luck that made it big.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Nah. If we're talking about relativity, sure, you're right. But what OP is talking about is scale. It has since magnified several times over. This includes the minimum budget required for even having a shot at getting popular. If it is proportionally the same as before, the increase in scale will then also magnify that budget requirement.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Best people?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

A lot of it is marketing on other socials and just plain luck

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I don't think people seem to understand that it never was a guarantee to find success on YouTube. It is extremely rare and you have to be very lucky to make it a good paying career. I know it's a different website but look at Twitch. Just pick one current game and look at the thousands of people that are streaming with 1 or 0 viewers. The endless scroll of people that are trying to make it on Twitch, let alone YouTube is insane.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Most YouTubers in recent years who seemingly became big overnight, blew up on tiktok first

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Even Veritasium has a video on how luck plays a role and he himself admits he got lucky.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Luck mixed with consistency

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Seems you are just biased and salty. It is like person that didn't become musician or football player complaining they didn't get famous and successful, so it is impossible. No it is not. Maybe try to find why you didn't get successful, improve and continue your yt journey if you want to be you tuber. Majority of people think they are better than they are, but in reality you are biased. So work hard and in few years you may become successful or gave up.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Success on youtube (or any other media tbh.) was never possible for an average person. Seems like people really underestimate how much charisma it requires to be on video and entertain the people watching you, for hours. It's definitely not something the average person can pull off.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This is just wrong

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This is a good thing. The best thing the Internet did is connect the peoples of the world. The worst thing it did is make idiots feel special, talented, or smart just because they went viral.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

OP after failing YT: People who make it on YT: superspecial People who don't make it on YT: average Sure dude, whatever you say

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Hell, watching you tube is not possible anymore for the average person...one short video, 2 to 3 ads...greed kills

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The average YouTuber ought to be sweating it in a labour camp doing something useful.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Success on yt has never, ever been possible for "average".

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It takes waaaaaay longer than a year to get any headway on youtube. If you started acting, after one year you would still be nowhere. If you decided to learn how to play guitar, after one year you would still be learning. If you decide to pursue art in any form, it'll take longer than a year to make any progress at all. Just because you've failed and given up doesnt mean it isn't possible. It just means that you don't have it in you to succeed.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

"I've been doing something for a year and don't understand why people that have been doing it for 10 years are more successful than me"

by Anonymous 11 months ago

yes it is. just spread your ass cheeks and use some nair and you've got a couple million views

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I watched 6 5 minute crafts in a row. This disproves your entire theory

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Being average on YouTube doesn't get you success.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Think that first off the premise is all twisted up, you should do videos for enjoyment not as a job. It's like landing an Hollywood job as an actor, if you go chances are you going to fail. I still believe that for some few people they have so much charisma they have sucess even in a little streaming with no production but they are talented to the cameras like Ronaldo and Messi are to football

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I follow plenty of successful YTers who do it full time and don't have millions to spend...

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What is your measure of success? Being a millionaire? The number of people that have youtube as a carear has skyrocketed over time. Viral success has always been luck, long term success has always required luck, hard work, and investment.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The fact that random kids on TikTok can casually get millions of views and not make a penny shows how futile social media "influencer" is as a career.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Sounds like someone's career goal isn't really panning out

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Not wrong but I don't think it was ever anything other than a gamble for the average person. For each "successful" youtuber who started that way there were probably over a hundred who didn't go anywhere.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Tbf it was never "attainable" - the attrition rate for attempted YouTube careers has always been enormous. Yes, some have made it, but that's survivor bias. Trying to make it on YouTube has always been a fool's errand at best.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Trying to make it on Youtube is like trying to make it in Hollywood

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Not necessarily a bad thing

by Anonymous 11 months ago

That's what tiktok is for...

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This is pretty popular and objectively true for most video/livestreaming platforms.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Please remove this. This isn't an unpopular opinion- it's a fact. Average doesn't equal success. This is a fact.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Success in YouTube is not possible ------ cuz I couldn't

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's always been the case that a very small number of people on YouTube were successful. I will argue though that your argument is not universally true, on the educational side of YouTube as long as you make good informative videos or at least funny but educational ones you'll probably get a good amount of viewers.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You're right. You should consider publishing your videos on tiktok instead

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Cry more wagie

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Dankpods is a normal guy who started YouTube and got big relatively recently. He films on an iPhone and a lot of his videos are pretty similar, he's just entertaining.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Link your YouTube channel, let's see if it real failed cause your an average person. Listen if anyone could be famous by putting in a year of work everyone would be, it doesn't work like that.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I still think almost anyone can make it, if you just get lucky. Look at some of the "Dream" crew - they followed the same formula from the years gone by and blew up to insane proportions overnight.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I hear this all the time as I work in a creative field. "The market is saturated! The little guy has no chance!" The sad fact of it is: The "little guy" they're talking about (themselves) are producing stuff that the market flat out doesn't want. Sorry, man. Reassess what you're doing and keep trying.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Everyone's an average person until they're not

by Anonymous 11 months ago

you need to be a girls with tits

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This OP has never watched The Hockey Guy.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You seem a little intense

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Also applies to living in America.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

So according to you there will never be another YouTuber ever again unless they spend hundreds of thousands?....

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Of course you can. But you can't make inferior productions and expect people to watch them.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

>You can no longer just be an average person doing something "kinda interesting" Correct. This has always been the case. To make it big, you have to make yourself stand out - or nobody is gonna care. Being "average" and doing something "kinda interesting" isn't gonna get you a career.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

My kid just started making YouTube shorts on their iPhone and gets thousands of views within an hour on almost every video that goes up every day. I got it linked up with Google AdSense and we even leased a domain name that matches the account name. It's pretty cool I found companies that'll make custom stickers, keychains and plush stuffed animals if we email them drawings they will even send us free samples and we can buy them without a minimum order amount. I hope it takes off it'll be good experience for the kid.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Please search up Hamza

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Lol bro you tried for a year. So many big YouTubers talk about grinding for years before finding any type of success. Also your videos might just suck or you're just not a entertaining person.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree but this is far from an unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Pretty sure personality stills rules above all else. It sounds like you ran into trouble with your hobby and are looking for something to blame.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Never give up. Actually following trends and stuff will hinder your own creativity. Others did it, you can to

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I disagree. There seem to be a lot of one-person slice-of-life channels out there that are expanding. Are they celebs? No. Some aren't even full-time YouTubers. But they are bring in in revenue.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Kindof sounds like you just suck at it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What will really bake some peoples noodles is a lot of the famous folk in twitch and YouTube if they started out now wouldn't make it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You could say this about any industry. Can't make it as a regular band anymore. Can't make it as an indie filmmaker. Etc etc It's all just excuses. Corporate interests certainly make it harder but it's not impossible. Perhaps you aren't being honest with yourself about your level of talent or creativity? Maybe you just have bad luck? But if you give up you'll never make it. Maybe try to reach out for some help from someone who is/has succeeded? Good luck! I believe you can do it! ✌️

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The best way to be successful is to be first.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I remember when YouTube started it was considered so cringey and silly to be "one of those YouTubers" (said in a derogatory tone). Man I wish I could go back and see if I could succeed if I got in at the heginnitn and took it seriously. Especially considering how few restrictions they had for so many years when it was building its success. I made one video back then ans it got randomly like 100 views.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's always been dumb luck.

by Anonymous 11 months ago