+161 Egg is disgusting, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Eggs are only good raw is certainly an unpopular opinion

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Raw egg doesn't taste of anything therefore that puts it leagues ahead of cooked egg

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Raw egg *does* taste of something though? I have it often with my tartare.

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago

It does have a taste though, and it's disgusting. Sure the cooked egg is bland (without seasonings) but at least it's not gross like when raw. Don't get me started on the texture. Raw eggs are like liquid boogers. With cooking, you could choose a variety of different textures.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm convinced

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Well done 👏

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm a bit confused on how it's not as healthy? Are you saying that cuz there's a possibility of getting sick?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

U just don't know how or know anyone who properly makes good eggs.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

"Egg taste bad. Egg smell bad. DOWN WITH EGG!!! DESTROY EGG!!!" I'm picturing a very cranky caveman with a smartphone.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

A sunny side up egg on any sandwich is amazing!

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I just finished my sandwich before I saw this :( gotta try this on the next one!

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Some eggs are better than others. I used to find them disguising after one or two but If you have your own chickens they are leagues better than what you can buy anywhere.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This is unpopular. +1

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago

Don't be such an Ann hog.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's the sulfur. You might be particularly sensitive to the smell and taste of it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Okay thank you for diagnosing me with ‘hatred of sulphur' instead of eating disorder

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Nah they're pretty dope. But I respect your opinion

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm sorry for being rude my hatred of eggs clouded my mind

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Your opinion sucks get a better opinion next time

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Now you're the a\*\*hole one lol

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm sorry I apologise profusely, my hatred of eggs clouded my mind and I was unable to truly see the light I will apologise to the person now

by Anonymous 11 months ago

No hard (boiled)feelings

by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago


by Anonymous 11 months ago

Almost everything are disgusting without salt.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Do you think the eggs my family cooked is unseasoned? They add salt and pepper and the egg still tastes bad. Nothing will ever change my mind on egg

by Anonymous 11 months ago

A nice eggs benedict or an omelette bangs for sure

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What's an egg? Ooohhh you mean chicken periods

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah why would I enjoy eating a chicken period

by Anonymous 11 months ago

well you did say you prefer raw chicken periods to cooked ones XD

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I hate hard boiled egg, anything else is ok

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Hate the egg 🥚

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Eggs is basically chicken period so although I don't hate the taste, I feel gross when eating it

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Eggs are good for baking/cooking. I'm not a big fan of eggs straight up though.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah because you can't taste it. But good opinion

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I used to like scrambled, but I just dislike eggs now

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Scramble egg and ketchup is a delicacy 😮

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Unpopular opition, Ketchup is the most disgusting thing on earth, might as well put some sugar or chocolat in your fries, if it's in an hamburger that's even worst, mayo alone or mixed with a little bit of mustard is the way to go !

by Anonymous 11 months ago

i will eat mayo on eggs too 🤌🏻

by Anonymous 11 months ago

No it is not 🤬🤬

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I used to think ketchup and egg was disgusting until I tried it. Best thing ever!

by Anonymous 11 months ago

People will try to convince you otherwise but I say it's okay to not like eggs.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Eggs are great when I'm hungry. The second I'm not hungry - I don't need to be full, just "not hungry" - eggs are gross. So, mostly, I agree.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Okay good well done for having a good opinion

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Eggs are so good

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Either you're absolutely terrible at cooking or you have an eating disorder

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Wtf who diagnoses someone with an eating disorder over an egg

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I mean I live with my family because I'm not an adult yet so I've only ever eaten my mums eggs, my brothers eggs or like eggs by some other person. Anyways I've also eaten eggs in ready made sandwiches. They all sucked btw

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I used to hate eggs when young. I attribute that to overly boiled eggs or insanely overfried eggs from my mom lol Then i started eating proper sunnyside up eggs or amazing scrambled eggs (restaurant style is a different league than mums') and things have changed. Keep in mind your buds are still changing and your tastes will change as u age.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Have you never had deviled eggs or flan?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Cooking classes would be helpful

by Anonymous 11 months ago

True unpopular opinion. I love egg.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Is she funny or something?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Have you tried them with ketchup?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Do an omelette or scrambles, put some oregano, salt, pepper and thank me later.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

More eggs for me!

by Anonymous 11 months ago

May I offer you an egg in these trying times?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Eggs by themselves are just sad no matter you're they're cooked. A scrambled egg on a breakfast sandwich, fried egg in tonkotsu ramen, perfection

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What about French toast? Do you also dislike that?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I have never had that before but I probably would dislike it lol

by Anonymous 11 months ago

They smell awful. I prefer them hard boiled but I can eat them scrambled soft if they're piping hot

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree. I do not like eggs , I've tried to eat them and give them so many chances !!!! They just are not appetizing. The only way I can eat an egg is if it's on a sandwich with many other things to take away the flavor . I wish I liked them but I just can't

by Anonymous 11 months ago