+168 The overwhelming majority of houses are oriented to be parallel to the road they are on, rather than being oriented in a way that is optimized for the sun, privacy, or existing features of the land. Apparently the most important view is the view of the road. amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Where land is valuable and limited, if a house is built on a rectangular plot of land, with some amount of required clearance between the home and the property line, then rotating the house diagonally within the plot could mean it had to be a much smaller house, even if you liked having oddly shaped front and back yards.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Plots of land don't have to be right rectangles that are perpendicular to a street. Land lots can be chopped in any way they want (and often are), so if every house on a road had a plot that was on an angle you could get the same number of homes and use the space in a way that makes life better for the occupants

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You've clearly never spoken to a city planner. Might I suggest City Planner Plays on YouTube. Wonderful guy.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

this might be the dumbest thing I have ever read

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What erudite reading do you partake in on a daily basis?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Its the view ***from*** the road I think that matters more.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

So then the important part is not that the house is optimally built for the occupants, its that the house is optimally built for the people who pass by. It's kind of like houses are ornaments on the Christmas tree of the neighborhood, and as we all know, a house viewed from an angle is ugly af.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Emergency services have a lot of helpful advice in terms of being able to easily & rapidly identify your house number, being able to have ease of access esp depending on what kind of equipment they need to use and being able to get back to the emergency vehicle. Granted, that does not mean that houses all have to be oriented the same way. but it does give some pointers for safety reasons.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

No passerby looks at your house as much as you do. Houses are designed to look good from the road because that's the place that people who buy houses first see houses.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Land is actually pretty scarce. We need to use what we have efficiently.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Unless you have a really big piece of land, aligning your home with a boundary is a much more efficient use of space. Having you home close to the street makes the supply of services much cheaper.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

houses aren't designed to "view" out the front of them. we have a nice patio and large glass doors at the back of our house. the most important view is there.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah, does this guy think there are only windows on one side of the house? The street is usually straight. If you want a big house and a big backyard, you put the house parallel to the street, because the house is going to be a rectangle and so is the plot you build it on.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The overwhelming majority of people drive cars on those roads and park them in a driveway or garage connected to their house

by Anonymous 11 months ago

So? Can driveways only run perpendicular to a road?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

People usually hang out in the back yard, don't they?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This kid needs to be off TikTok…….

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Actually what is most important is for people on the road to see the entry of your house rather than the boring side.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Why is it important to see the entry of everyone's home?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Idk why this is being bashed. It would be really nice if homes were built with the home owner in mind, with prioritizing sunlight and privacy. But in then end of the day, we all know that money and efficiency is what matters to companies who build homes. So if you want the plus of your home being positioned in a slightly better angle, you will have to pay a lot of money to build that.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What's funny is that it wouldn't even be more expensive to build them this way. The orientation of a home has to be measured and staked regardless of what the angles are. Surveyors don't charge more for angles that are not 90 degrees. It would actually be cheaper to work with the natural features of the land rather than try to grade everything flat, it's just that it's not simpler, and designers like simple, uniform, neat designs, not designs that have some places looking different than others.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You aren't in the business of building houses, so you don't know what the costs are. But given the fact that pretty much all houses are built with the same convention, it seems highly likely (even ignoring other reasons to believe so) that the way things are currently done is the cheapest way, or at least the most effective way given a set of various constraints and goals. There ARE places where houses are built in a manner closer to what you would like, and they're almost always in quite sparsely populated areas, areas where many of the aforementioned constraints don't exist. I know someone who had a house custom built in the middle of a several acre plot of land. The driveway is not straight, the house is not perfectly aligned with the road, you can't even see the road from anywhere in the house out any side. You simply can't do this on any plots of land less than a half acre or so. And even then, it is dependent on the shape of the plot and to some extend on what is surrounding your plot.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What you described is INCREDIBLY more expensive than placing a pre-designed house. It is much cheaper to level the property than to design something from scratch.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

False. The most important view is the view _from_ the road.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

My first house was a quirky little Cape which was situated sideways to the street. The front door did, however, face south.

by Anonymous 11 months ago