+165 If you own a jeep or lifted truck and keep your lights on during the day you're a douchebag. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Many cars now have automatic lights and daytime lights that are always running if the vehicle is on. They're great safety features which is why they make disabling the lights so tricky. My Toyota SUV has these day time lights and there's literally nothing I can do to turn them off even if I wanted to. Amazing car though just the same. I think a lot of car owners have this same feature, so I can't be mad at them for having the lights on. Jacking up their truck on the other hand….

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Lights in during daytime is good for safety. Makes you more noticable. Everyone should run lights on during the day

by Anonymous 1 year ago

For a ton of cars you don't even have a choice. There is no option to turn off the headlights completely and they call these daytime lights. Had a professor in college get ticked off at me because we were at the observatory and they yelled at me for having my headlights on, and I literally had to walk them through how that's just a safety feature of my SUV and how headlights work because she just didn't know much about cars I guess….

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My motorcycle is the same way. Required by Law.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Completely agree. I also believe that Law Enforcement should do a better job of enforcing laws regarding the output of these insanely bright lights that Jeep and truck owners boast. As someone with significant astigmatism, when these assholes fly by with the candela of the sun, I'm blinded for a solid minute. They have zero regard for anybody but themselves.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

i always have my lights on 24/7 for extra visibility. i don't drive a lifted truck or jeep though. but i don't understand why having them on during the day would be a douchebag move? headlights are not nearly as distracting during the daylight as they are at night.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

My lights are automatically always on as driving lights.

by Anonymous 1 year ago