+145 Sunlight burns vampires, but moonlight is made by the suns light as well, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I mean most people dont get sunburns from the moon either.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Only the gingers.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

And Asian women. I think that's why my wife bundles like a burrito at the beaches.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Maybe it‘s an intensity thing

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Depends on the mythology. In Vampire: The Masquerade, there actually are some vampires with such extreme sensitivity to sunlight that moonlight does burn then.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

They should put up warning signs at night. _Caution - may contain sunlight_

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Reflected light is fine. The moonlight is a reflection of the sun light.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

And with reflected light there's a dramatic decrease in UV light. I think. I'm pretty sure. It makes sense

by Anonymous 10 months ago

My best impression of the "It's still real to me dammit!!" guy from wrestling..

by Anonymous 10 months ago

And vampires can't see their reflection...maybe reflected light is absorbed by vampires?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

But all the light we see is reflected by the stuff around us. That is how we are able to see stuff... So technically all light is reflected

by Anonymous 10 months ago

vampires would be blind if thats the case

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Just like a laser pointer straight to the eyes will blind you, but looking at the wall with the dot doesn't

by Anonymous 10 months ago

That…depends on the laser intensity too. With class IV, some lasers are powerful enough that even diffuse reflection can be a hazard. IR lasers are the really scary ones. Most presentation style (for office use) laser pointers are class IIIA(3R) or less which are lower power.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

If you want a scientific explanation it'd be the significant reduction in UV rays. Ever gotten sunburned at night? No? Yeah.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

If you don't want a scientific explanation, then it's because it's magic and can work however it damn well pleases.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yep, always interesting to see different takes on vampires. I tend to prefer the more realistic and less sexy versions myself.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's a question if intensity of the sunlight, would they be ok behind tinted windows ?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yup, I use that for one of my vampire characters. He loves sunlight, but cannot touch it. As such, the windows of his homes are coated with UV filtering glaze/film so he can enjoy the sunlight without harm

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Vampires: "Hmm.. You know he may be rightaaaarrgghhh!!..."

by Anonymous 10 months ago

So there could be vampires walking among us during the day if they're wearing SPF 100 and good sunglasses.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I saw a documentary about this. Interesting watch, I think it was called "Blade"

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Think of sunlight as medicine that empowers werewolves and vampires, but it's so intense it disables the werewolf from transforming and will burn a vampire into ash The moon serves as a medium to dilute the sunlight's potency, allowing the monsters to use its power without consequences

by Anonymous 10 months ago

moonlight is a reflection of the Suns light, which Vamps don't have a reflection. Hence why it's fine

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yes, but all of the nutrients are filtered out by the moon rocks which absorb it and store it as food for the lunar winter. Hence by the time it reaches any vampires on earth the only remaining light in low in magnesium and does not contain enough alkali material to react with the vampire's acidic skin.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Staring at the sun burns my eyes, staring at the moon does not. Ya see how those aren't the same thing?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I also have been burned by sunlight but not moonlight

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Sunlight doesn't hurt vampires. It makes them sparkle.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Sunlight burns human skin, but moonlight is made by the suns light as well

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Vampires are utterly unaffected by reflections of all kinds. Be it mirrors or moons.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Sure, but the part that's bad for vampires gets absorbed by the cheese before the rest of the light reflects back.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Dose makes the poiaon

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yes, but it's less concentrated.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Moonlight isn't direct sunlight, that probably would make a difference.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

If you back over a vampire in your car because you were using your mirrors, who's fault is it?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

But the magical moon rock affects the sunlight, transforming it into anti vampire light. Scientifically, it works out.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's not sunlight is UV and moon filters it

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Since it a reflection, it's probably following the same logic as a Bailisk stare.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

You need water to live but 10litres in an hour can kill you, see where I'm going?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Moon is like a filter.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Moonlight is like shade. It's not direct light.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Is that evidence enough for you that direct sunlight matters?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

by that denomination, warewolvves should be overpowered in broad daylight

by Anonymous 10 months ago

U ever got a sunburn at night? Dumbass take

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Depends on the vampire. Dracula could walk around in broad daylight just fine.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yeah but it bounces off the moon so it travels further, so mabye that's why they are fine?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Fire burns humans but we enjoy warm drinks

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Magic (do hand wavy motion, maybe sprinkle glitter)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I demand scientifically accurate vampire representation

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Looks like someone never heard of dosage.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

The moon is commonly seen as an unholy symbol, so it may be corrupting the sunlight

by Anonymous 10 months ago

The moon has its own cold light.. though the intensity of the sun hides it, you can test this on the next night with a bright moon that casts shadows. Put you hand into the shadow for 30 seconds then move it in to the moon light and feel the cold light on thr back of your hand..

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Staring into a lightbulb can blind you but staring at the light from the lightbulb on the walls will not

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It is like cooking with a candle.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Direct vs. indirect exposure

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Are werewolves like, always on the moon?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Everything you see during the day is because of sunlight reflecting off surfaces.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yes. I know what moonburn is.

by Anonymous 10 months ago