+157 Before the big bang, there used to be absolutely nothing. Just blackness, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I don't think science claims to know or even guess what there was before the big bang. We don't have any evidence.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

There is little to no evidence of the Big Bang itself so there you go

by Anonymous 10 months ago

The evidence is the cosmic microwave background (energy from in between things) and redshift in stars' emission signatures. It suggests that everything is spreading out. Extrapolate that back in time and at one point everything might very well have been densely packed.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Exactly, it takes quite the leap of faith to say that since everything is expanding it was one conglomerate rock at one very far unconceivable point, a leap of faith that is everything but scientific

by Anonymous 10 months ago

That's not the theory. Did you really think that's what it is? A rock really far away? Because that's idiotic.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

We can confidently say we don't know this for sure at all.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Or maybe there was something, those molecules are coming from something I suppose. Also try to imagine if there is not a single thing even existing

by Anonymous 10 months ago

That's not what the big bang theory means, dude.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Not even blackness, blackness implies there is a way to observe this nothing. There wasn't even that. All energy was condensed in a single 0 dimensional point, there was no space at all. Or maybe it wasn't, we aren't sure.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

We don't know how to educate people properly, pay decent wages, share food so people don't starve, but we are undoubtely sure there was a big bang that started all things in universe. For those who disagree, are not sure of that, there is certainly a powerful misterious entity in the skies who rules all of it and loves us a lot, in spite of offering us a miserable life full of killings, greed, sins, ignorance and social imbalance. People grab onto it undoubtedly without even knowing their own body and mind.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

we have no clue at all

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Cosmology tells us that spacetime began at the Big Bang, so there is no "before" the Big Bang, just like there is no "north of of the north pole."

by Anonymous 10 months ago