+148 Women are traditionally the cooks in their family while most chefs in restaurants are men, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Exactly this !! Gen X here and female I was working as a chef before it was more common and a guy was blown away by that thinking it was weird Then I asked him well who cooked in your house your mom or your dad ? He answered mom and then said you are right it shouldn't be weird

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It probably clash more because of what the kitchen culture in restaurants used to be than the action itself.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Very mature of him to accept it so quickly instead of doubling down like too many others would today.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think its because the times when chefs are required is also when women need to be at home looking after the children (traditionally)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It can be summarised out that every high pace hyper professional profession which leaves almost no home time are dominated by men. Although I guess it depends where "chef" description ends because it's prob more even towards the lower rungs in gender representation than in the high end super famous chefs.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Most chefs are still dudes even in lower end restaurants, for some reason ladies just don't seem to be attracted to back of house positions in restaurants on average. Typically a chef is delineated from a cook in the vein that they manage the kitchen and make the menu, or handle food stock orders, although this is just my experience.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

"For some reason"... What do you think those reasons might be?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's more so interesting to figure out where people draw the line, let's say we have super famous chefs, then tv chefs under that, then chefs who aren't head chef working in those restaurant, then going further down to local cafes serving burgers, are they chefs? What about the head chef in a McDonald's kitchen, is he a chef? What about a local owned takeaway place that is just the wife cooking in her kitchen is she a chef? What about a dude at a hotdog stand? Essentially I think chef here only describes a specific elite,which are often hyper competitive and career based rather than simply a job

by Anonymous 10 months ago

aren't kitchens notoriously sexist? I'd imagine that's why

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yes, yes they are :)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

More that it's tough, physical work with hours that suck for anyone considering motherhood. Men thrive in the battle and chaos of a dinner rush. I'm married to a chef and could not do what he does.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I don't think rooms can be sexist...

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Being a cook and being a chef are two completely different things.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Was looking for this answer. I mean afaik the chefs in the restaurants design the menu and perhaps supervise the kitchen, but don't really get that much involved in the day-to-day cooking, am I right? Perhaps someone from the restaurant business can corret me if I'm wrong.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I work in a restaurant. Unfortunately you are wrong. The chefs do all of the things you describe…but they do the majority of the cooking as well.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Chefs do the cooking and taste everything and are responsible for every dish that comes out of the kitchen. Line chefs do the prep and what the chef tells them.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I'm the cook in my family (frozen chick nugs, Mac n cheese, grilled cheese, etc). But my husband is 109% the chef of my fam.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

See I do the home cooking and I do a lot of artisanal style cooking My wife does a lot of burning more so then cooking so I think it's for the best

by Anonymous 10 months ago

My fiancΓ© does the cooking because she is simply better at it. In my brother's house he dose the cooking because he is better at it. I do the dishes and my sister-in-law does the dishes there. It was only traditional when women were not working and people could afford 1 income households. Now it's whoever is better at cooking while the other does the dishes, or at least in successful marriages that's how it is. In terms of division of labor its one of the more simple ones.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

One is a chore, the other is art.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Good home cooking is a wondrous delight. And while it was never fair that this responsibility fell on our grandmothers, I'm so very sad that young people won't have the experience of a master with a lifetime of experience meticulously making traditional dishes for their loved ones. It hits different, man. I wish I'd learned her recipes, but she'd never have taught me.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Restaurants with grandmas as the chef produce solid solid food. Maybe not as technical or adventurous as like a haute Michelin restaurant, but something you'd go back weekly for. Or more often

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I mean women need to contribute SOMETHING right? /s

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Because women's labor is expected to be free.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

When you can get paid more, men are all over it.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Because men like to get paid for hard work, while women are expected to do hard work regardless.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Like hard work on only fans?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Women (in general, relax) don't want to work the absolutely garbage hours chef's have to do. While everyone is out enjoying their evening chef's just finish hours of prep to cook the best steak you've ever had to have some jerk send it back because they don't like it and it's drowning in A1 sauce. It's a grueling profession.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Agreed. It's a mix though.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules, and that doesn't mean that women shouldn't become chef's. The data is just as it is for a reason.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's a lot of hard, physically demanding work more suited to men. Restaurant work, especially the higher-end ones, is super competitive and high pressure. I think this is changing though as most reputable restaurants try to hire a few girls to balance out the team or else your kitchen becomes a pirate ship. Not only do women keep the kitchen cleaner and more organized, but the men shape up their act and are more respectable, at least from my experience. I'm from Asia though, We're more conservative and guys are expected to be more gentleman-y (no lewd jokes in front of women, etc.)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I guess it's a question of scale. The Housewife cooks, cleans, knits, sews etc. They have a broad range of activities they perform. Cooking at scale is a specialist activity requiring a different set of skills, and the time and training to focus on that. Men have historically been the ones capable of focusing on their profession to facilitate cooking at scale.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Because men do things better

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Based πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Probably because centuries of conditioning has made women look at cooking as a chore and not something enjoyable?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Jobs that involve 12+ hour workdays are rarely worked by women. A combination of expected duties at home and the professions typically being dominated by people with ASPD, who are 5:1 men.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Maybe because those women don't LET men cook at home so they have to go elsewhere to do it?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

A woman's place is in the home.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Really? You people can't understand sarcasm?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

The reason is that men are expendable, meaning high risk-high reward behaviours are OK, meaning men become extremists more often. That's why men go all in (more often).

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Cooks are indeed in the most extremist. Have you seen Gordon Ramsay seasoning a meal.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

That's a great argument senator. Why don't you give us a source?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

You need a source for super obvious things?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

A source? Psychology broadly isn't science. There could potentially be some study, but typically you have to infer the fact from general behaviours. Same reason why the majority of chess grandmasters are men.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Like Lefty said- Men cooks better thats why(Saw Donnie Brasco for first time yesterday)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I heard that men have more stable hormones cycles so therefore their taste remains almost same during life

by Anonymous 10 months ago

anything a man is paid for , he does it very well haha but poor women , they are cooking for free πŸ₯²

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I literally know housewives by choice because they make their husbands pay for everything. It's not cooking for "free" at all.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

3ndk se7 πŸ‘

by Anonymous 10 months ago

If there is a path of ambition that leads to a certain status men are bound to take interest. (Before you go mad this doesn't exclude women)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

men become chefs so that their women can cook

by Anonymous 10 months ago

This one makes no sense. The men who can't cook marry women with basic+ cooking skills.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Because to be a chef you need to actually cook good /j

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Because cooking is a career and women aren't capable of handling those

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's always get back in the kitchen until it comes to the barbecue

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Because one is just the homemaker which is generally women (though stay at home dads are becoming more common now and honestly everyone should learn to cook , it saves money and you get good food) and one is a profession which is very demanding and tough. Plus when you spend a lot of time cooking at home you will have 0 interest to cook as a profession or vice versa, I do the cooking and I'm damn good at it but I'd hate it if I was doing it professionally as a job And It's not that women can't do it or won't do it but there is a distinct difference in risk aversion for women vs men as women are less likely to take jobs that will intentionally stress them out and slowly destroy their bodies or that have a very significant risk of getting burnt out or seriously injured.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Cooking in a restaurant and cooking to feed your family is entirely different.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

What was tradition 50 years ago and what is tradition now might not be the same thing. Also cooking in a restaurant compared to cooking at home is like comparing a Landscaping company to a small home garden. Most Landscapers are men and most hobby Gardeners are women but anyone can do either. So to me it less about what you are doing and more about how you are doing it. Women tend to take there time and don't like to be rushed and put in more attention to detail. (cooking for 1 family) Men like to be efficient and pump out as much work or volume as possible. (cooking for 50 people) Also the culture of a restaurant kitchen is closer to a construction site or bunch of landscapers aggressive, fast paced and lots of swearing and insults.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

because the last thing a chef wants to do when they get home is cook once again

by Anonymous 10 months ago

"I do all the cooking at home. My husband is grateful to have food put in front of him. He also doesn't *husband impression* demand it *resemble the Taj Mahal!*" -Victoria Coren Mitchell

by Anonymous 10 months ago

If you are good at something, never do it for free.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

My mom never cooks, she works.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

My mom fed our asses TV dinners and fast food most of the time. I've since gained a passion for cooking and split the duty with my S.O.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Mom cooks food, dad cooks nades

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Women traditionally cook for their families and therefore aren't getting the work experience to have a resume capable of landing a chef job. Men traditionally work, and often restaurants have jobs. I know a professional chef. His wife was a stay at home wife. He cooked 5 days a week, she cooked 7.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Someone needs to cook for the cooks

by Anonymous 10 months ago

My bf does all the cooking he is amazing at it I'm rubbish... but I have tried and he says my beans on toast is the best cos I put cheese on to disguise the burnt toast n mashed up beans where iv over cooked them lol πŸ˜†

by Anonymous 10 months ago

As a male home chef, I have pondered this in the kitchen oft.

by Anonymous 10 months ago