+137 The truth about how moonlight works destroys how werewolf and vampires work in media. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 year ago

The Truth About Faster Than Light Travel makes Star Wars Hard to Believe In this essay I will

by Anonymous 1 year ago

No wonder why werewolfs and vampires are part of the fantasy/fiction world

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Fiction can, and generally does have internally self-consistent rules. It's fun for fans to discuss those rules and whether they pass muster. :)

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Re: Werewolves it's anyone's guess but it's based on the way wolves howl during the full moon so personally I'd say the transformation is an instinctual reaction to knowing it's full moon time, not a reaction to the light itself. Also, in many cases in film and TV, the transformation starts when the character is indoors and not physically exposed to the moonlight.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

> I'd say it's the transformation is an instinctual reaction to knowing its full moon time, not a reaction to the light itself. yeah i don't think the werewolf issue has anything to do with light

by Anonymous 1 year ago

It varies by type of vampire (there are almost as many interpretations of how vampires work as there are vampire stories) but the intensity of the light tends to be important. Direct sunlight is rapidly lethal while sunlight through cloud cover or a thin curtain isn't as effective. The moon's reflected sunlight at night is much weaker than direct sunlight during the day. Apparently weak enough not to affect them. If they were vulnerable to **any** amount of solar light even a moonless night would kill them so long as there were visible stars.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Moonlight is reflection of very small amount of sunlight, not direct sunlight.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I don't think it's moonlight that makes werewolves transform, but seeing the full moon. Moonlight doesn't hurt Vampires because it's far less intense than sunlight.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Too specific. The truth about how things work destroys symbolism"

by Anonymous 1 year ago

I think it's the uv rays. The moon light has far less uv.

by Anonymous 1 year ago

Vampires don't show up in mirrors. This means that light not directly from a source goes through/goes around/doesn't affect them. The moon is not a source, it just reflects the suns light. Checkmate atheists.

by Anonymous 1 year ago