+149 Most migraines are made up, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

because YOU don't headaches, you think everyone is lying?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Headache =/= migraine. Pretty big difference. Migraines are a chronic disorder, headaches have immediate causes and immediate solutions. For instance migraines and cluster headaches can be treated with psilocybin. Regular headaches cannot. What hes saying is when someone whos overly dramatic has a bad headache they always call it a migraine. Migraines typically need to be diagnosed not just determined that you suffer from them.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Please don't mansplain to me what a Migraines are I get them at least 2 times and lasts for days, actually diagnosed. And just because some hasn't have a proper diagnosis doesn't mean they don't suffer from them.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Mansplain migraines....LOL. Do you even headache?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I have spent half a year with diagnoses, the last ones were MrI and skull Ct, and no doctor could tell me what is causing my unbearable headaches, and no solution without rootcause. So what about me? No one said out loud i have migraine, but its not even cancer, not even a small headache, once a week at least i got fever with terrible headache, and the only solution is to wait for the next day. Simptons; My normal temperatire is 35.5 ( 1 less then normal and no one knows why) If i have a headache day, my temperatire is above 36.5. But usually less then 38 celsius. I checked my foods and drinking habits, i checked the outside temperatures, i measured how much time do i spend in front of monitor etc, there were no connections with anything.. it just happens randomly.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think 75% of people are lying. It is an unpopular opinion after all

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's not even that, it's just a moronic claim with nothing to back it up.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I wouldn't call this an opinion, you're claiming that 75% of people are lying and trying to pass it off as truth with zero proof.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's really not convenient at all. I get them several times a month. You generally can self diagnose yourself with them… your doctor doesn't really do anything to "diagnose you." You're just like hi doctor I have throbbing one sided headaches that make me throw up and they write "migraines" in your chart, they didn't put me in a brain scanning machine or anything. They don't just hit at work.. they hit on your vacation, and Christmas, and your kids baptism.. and any random day you would rather not have a throbbing headache 😌

by Anonymous 10 months ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's just an assholes opinion. Having never suffered a migraine, you wouldn't understand.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Sorry to have bummed you out.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I've had headaches a fair bit. They do suck but i can push through them. Then I got a migraine once and it was the worst thing ever. I couldn't do anything except lay in bed and even that hurt. No sound, no light, no food. Consider yourself lucky that you such a lack of knowledge because you've never experienced them.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's like when people claim anxiety is made up and you're just freaking yourself out when they've never had an anxiety attack. Absolute morons just assume something doesn't exist because they've never felt it.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I love that the guy that doesn't get migraines has this opinion. Makes a lot of sense why you would maintain that as your opinion.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

So you might say this opinion is unpopular?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I would say that you're so woefully uninformed, that you don't get to have one.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Ok, thanks!

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's interesting that you yourself claim that you don't experience many headaches, hence you think everyone else is the exact same. It's not an unpopular opinion but rather a ridiculous take.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

What medical background do you have?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

You know a lot of people who suddenly experience migraines?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

"several" and yeah, I am speculating that they are stretching the truth

by Anonymous 10 months ago

And do these migraines prevent them from getting together with you?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Haha nice one 😜

by Anonymous 10 months ago


by Anonymous 10 months ago

The answer was yes.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I love all the people so butthurt about the idea that you think someone in your life might fake a migraine... that they imply that someone in your life is faking their migraines. And the joke is **only funny** because everyone accepts that women fake headaches to get out of sex; They attack you with a joke that only lands if you're correct.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Yeah, a lot of the responses are a good demonstration of the phrase "a hit dog will holler".

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Headaches aren't migraines. And migraines often happen several times a month. I wish I didn't know this.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I mean yeah….I've often had times where I can't tell if it's a just a bad headache or a migraine. I don't think everyone deliberately lies, they're just uninformed. Similar to other medical occurrences, like heart attacks and bipolar disorder.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think people often confuse migraines with headaches, or they will call a headache a migraine to make it sound more serious. I don't think many people straight up fake their head hurting though.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

diagnosed with chronic migraines and while i wouldn't say 75%, i do think people who get a headache and call it a migraine are kinna frustrating. i have to lay in the dark and sleep for 18 hours with a migraine, whereas my coworker can work a full day with theirs. sure jan.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I find there to be a spectrum with mine. I can work with them many of the times other times it makes me want to cry lol. They aren't always the same pain level for me and sometimes the nausea is worse than the headache

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Most people with migraines are just bad headaches. Symptoms also differ. It is easy to tell when I have a migraine because I won't be able to walk as steady as normal and I will occasionally just freeze to allow everything to settle. To me those are easy way to tell when I am.just having a headache and when a migraine is coming on.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think this is an important distinction. I am not intelligent so I get days-long dehydration headaches. They're miserable and you'd think I would get better at drinking water. Migraines are real and I've had one once and it was *horrible*. But my headaches are just bad headaches. Using the word migraine feels like some kind of pain olympics thing. I might be a baby about it and cancel plans or lay in a dark room, but they're still "just" headaches

by Anonymous 10 months ago

First: drink more water. Seriously I know too many people that have ended up in the hospital getting IV dumps. Thankfully, I haven't had any friends die from it but a lot of people die from heat related issues. And yes, if you have never had a migraine you don't really understand the difference. Once you have, you KNOW.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I agree! I get headaches several times a week, most mild as long as I take medicine before it gets worse. But when I get migraines it's debilitating with other symptoms besides a heache. Yes, lots of people get them, but someone who says "I have a migraine" while still going about their day as normal is probably not experiencing a migraine...just a normal headache.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Unpopularopinion I have never been to Australia. People who claim to have been to Australia are lying.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I have to to get injections every 12 weeks or I get daily, all day, migraines with projectile vomiting. Many people get migraines. Many people get headaches. All to varying degrees.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

My daughter and me are diagnosed with dyslexia. It's a pretty complex diagnosis that involves a lot more than reversing letters or words or numbers as you read. So many people claim to be dyslexic. I get it, dyslexics are cool as fuk, but we can tell when you're faking it.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Just an FYI: Roughly 20% of the worlds population is dyslexic.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

The NIH says 20% of the population have symptoms associated with dyslexia, but only 1 in 10 of those who have symptoms qualify for diagnosis, which is roughly 2% of the total population. The International Dyslexia Foundation says 15 to 20% of the population have a language disability of which the most common is dyslexia. Other sources place the percentage of people with dyslexia at 3 to 7 percent. The official diagnosis is "Specific Learning Disability 1" and it qualifies a person for protection under the the Americans with Disabilities Act.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

People will often do what they can get away with, and migraines certainly are a great tool if one were so inclined. "Not tonight honey, I have a…". I'm sure it happens.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Majority fake it, but some are real.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

As a migrane sufferer, I disagree. Doctors really don't do a lot for migranes either. I've had them my entire life and no doctor has ever blinked an eye at them (I do have another condition that may be correlated so that might be why). My migranes have physical symptoms. I vomit. My eyesight gets messed up. I get pale and shake. My migranes occur during work because they're triggered by stress or constant screen usage. Or alcohol but I don't drink at work lol.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Periods are made up. I've had 0 my entire life

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Oh thank god, I'm looking forward to never dealing with that again!

by Anonymous 10 months ago

this isn't really an opinion. it's just being a jerk

by Anonymous 10 months ago

"I don't experience \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, therefore others do not." Brilliant.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

As someone who used to date a girl with migraines... yeah. It's amazing how they have a big long list of things that 'trigger' their migraines that all magically don't trigger their migraines when it's something they really want to do. Smell of smoke and loud noises? Yeah. Definitely can't smoke anywhere near the house 24 hours before she comes home or accidentally leave the radio on too loud when the car starts, or she'll get an insta-migraine that lasts 2 days (Or until she forgets to put on a 'pained' face when I walk in the room) But if she wants to go to a concert with every kind of smoke imaginable in the air and noises so loud I wear headphones myself... or if she wants to go to a theme park and have her head whipped all around by roller-coaster and hear screaming kids everywhere... no problems! How did she know there would be no problems? Why would you plan on going to something like that if you think you have noise/smoke/jostling-triggered migraines? I have my theories... But, you know, just as you've been told: I don't have a medical background either, so what do I know about exploiting people's goodwill?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Cigarette smoke _can_ give me migraines, but doesn't _always._

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I have migraines I get monthly injections for and often they get severe enough for emergency room trips. Fragrant perfumes, sharpie markers, not a guarantee but it's likely. Smoke? Always. Change in air pressure? Always. Traveling is a bitch. Triggers aren't an exact science, and even dealing with them for over 10 years I'm still learning red herrings. Do I think your ex may have manipulated them? Possibly. But it isn't just a "this triggers them so it always happens." Wish it was that easy

by Anonymous 10 months ago

A lot of people probably lie about this. The same with a lot of mental issues like depression, ADHD, etc.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I had one one time in my life that was so bad it put me on the ground nearly crying. After that I decided most people probably don't actually know what a migraine is.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I have always believed the same.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I agree. Enny needs to put migraines in the cap report.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I actually agree with this, lol.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

How big is your sample size to claim 75%? Maybe you just hang around that sort of people.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I was a teenager when I got diagnosed with migraines. I went to the doctors, got all the tests. At the time I was getting about 3-4 migraines a week, some lasting multiple days. I had to change many of my habits to reduce the chance of getting a migraine. I still get them regularly. I'd rather have a never ending headache over a migraine any day because I can at least function with a headache. That being said, I also 100% use my migraines as an excuse to get out of stuff I really don't want to do. It is the 1 benefit to suffering from migraines.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I used to have headaches and migraines every single day. Then I found our I had incredibly high blood pressure and was grinding my teeth in my sleep. Better diet, bp pills, and s mouthguard later, haven't had a headache in months

by Anonymous 10 months ago

A swear literally all of my coworkers say they get migraines , it think it's more of a stress headache when we are busy cuz they seem to primarily say it happens at work when we are busy

by Anonymous 10 months ago

As a migraine sufferer myself, I suspect some percentage of people use "migraine" to mean "headache" and they are not actually having a migraine. And they are definitely NOT the same thing. That said, there's no way for me to know if any particular individual is in that camp so it's safer to just take everyone at their word

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Maybe for you, they are!

by Anonymous 10 months ago

The way you formed your words is pretty aggressive, but as someone who gets a fair amount of migraines I kind of agree. Some people may actually think they're getting migraines when they're just minor headaches. It's like the "gluten allergy" people who make the actual people with allergies look bad.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Aren't we lucky that your "belief" doesn't get to influence how people with migraines access solutions ? 🙄

by Anonymous 10 months ago

What an asinine and uniformed made up opinion. 🤡

by Anonymous 10 months ago

You're truly lucky. My s/o rarely has headaches; I get terrible migraines. I assure you they're real… I had a traumatic brain injury & there have been a number of issues. They're one of them & it's hell.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think a lot of people get a bad headache and call it a migraine. A migraine is debilitating.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

🤣 Someone who has never had a migraine is a migraine expert. I had an actual migraine for two straight years following an injury. An absolutely relentless migraine. If people are lying about having one, so what, but I doubt they are. If they're lying then I'm betting whoever they're having sex with us just lousy at it.

by Anonymous 10 months ago