+140 Terminator Salvation was badass, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It had good bones but could have been much better. It's the only direction terminator should have gone IMO and closed out the loop leading to the 1st movie.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Oh with bale? Yeah i really liked it too! Would have made a great game story as well

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I hated how they were all huddling in that makeshift building (I believe at the gas station?). And didn't hear a 100ft mech droid outside lol. That and the Sony mini pc that opens all the doors. And the entire arc of Sam Worthington. Idk. I get what you're saying it had mountains of potential, just mcG was probably the worst choice for a director ever.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I agree. It was great.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Shoot I need to trigger people

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I didn't get into that one. But I did think T3 and Dark Fate got way too much hate.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think the first two movies set the bar pretty high. I enjoyed it. Very different from the rest.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It had the opportunity to take place in the future we always got a glimpse of then just didn't do it.. that was always my issue with Salvation. Though I do need to see it again, it's been years now since I've watched it. Hey at least it's better than Dark Fate which basically reset the series with girl power.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It needed time to get there. They were still fighting with projectile weapons but in t2 the future scenes used energy weapons, which means the terminators were about to exponentially increase there technological advantage and the humans were going to have to adapt. It woulda been cool to watch this hopeless struggle play out. Also, the endgame mission that defeats signet was supposed to occur simultaneously to Kyle Reese and T-800 going back to the 80s. The war was over in the future, and just Begining in the past. Woulda been badass. Also Christian bale is exactly who I want to see cast as John Connor.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I liked it. Genisys was ass and its taken a few years but I've almost managed to scrub it from my memory.

by Anonymous 10 months ago