+154 Rabbits' tendency of running out in front of cars may eventually result in evolution of faster and faster rabbits near roads. amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Rabbits are suicidal and can die of loneliness. They also love biting other rabbits dicks off. It's a viscous cycle

by Anonymous 10 months ago

They'll start to develop shells and become the tortoise AND the hare

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I feel like this is what happened with squirrels? I haven't seen a squirrel as roadkill in a long time. Like years.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I think it might result in less rabbits.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Well it certainly won't result in more attentive drivers

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Or more cautious/anxious rabbits. Or extremely fast extremely anxious rabbits 🤔

by Anonymous 10 months ago