+168 The whole world acts like they hate America but they copy everything we do. amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

"The whole world acts like they hate America" ok, this could be fun. "Because of rap music". Oh. You didn't actually want to have a meaningful discussion. What a shame, this could have been a good one. Also, I know you were trying to be funny, but our "belief systems" were unironically stolen from other cultures, including basically everything else we have. Congrats, you played yourself.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's a American thing to think the whole world thinking about you and hates you. The reality is: most parts of the world don't waste time with such bs and mind their own business. Greetings from Germany

by Anonymous 10 months ago

No valid argument against any of the points I made.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

my argument is: nobody cares who invented rap or trash-tv. ;)

by Anonymous 10 months ago

So why does German rap exist 😂

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I mean, if we're going to start like that, we have to start earlier and ask ourselves, how did these things come about in the first place? I'm sure you'll agree that we'll quickly get to the point where we're talking about the colonization of the continent of America and where these people came from. 👀

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Damn, I love Amercian opinionsâ„¢. They're just so...different.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

>I'd say the UK is our biggest copy catters and haters at the same exact time. Can you back this up please? 1. How are we the biggest "copy-catters" 2. How do we hate you more than most?

by Anonymous 10 months ago