When cleaning hard drives, it is easier to take what you want rather than delete what you don't, amirite?
by Anonymous1 year ago
When migrating, I move everything I want, then format the drive.
If I were selling or giving away the drive, I'd use software to overwrite it instead of a quick format.
I'm not going to recommend a program, because everyone has opinions.
by Anonymous1 year ago
And yet, my mom still insists flea markets work the other way around.
by Anonymous1 year ago
As someone who has done this sooo many times, get in the habit of saving things in such a way that it will be easy to pick out the stuff you want to keep. Keep everything in "Library" folders (documents, movies, etc.). Don't have random folders everywhere.
by Anonymous1 year ago
Copy what you want, then scrub it with a magnet.
by Anonymous1 year ago
If I'm not going to use the drive any more (assuming it's a spinner and not an SSD), I like to take it apart, save the super-strong magnet for fridge use and then scratch the crap out of each disk surface in there prior to disposing of it. Nobody's recovering any data from those disk platters after that.
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago
by Anonymous 1 year ago