+158 Reincarnation is real if it is true the carbon atoms in our body are 13.7 billion years old. amirite?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

No, reincarnation is recycling the soul. That atoms thing you're talking about is recycling matter.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Carbon wasn't made in the big bang, so it's not 13.7 billion years old. Most carbon is made by fusion in stars. As Carl Sagan said, "We are made of star stuff." It probably took at least three previous generations of stars burning to make elements, then collapsing and exploding to spread them around, to get where we are today. Carbon-14 has a relatively short half-life and is made by cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere, but that's a negligible portion of all carbon.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

this guy knows

by Anonymous 9 months ago

True or not the atoms are still there when you die, they get remixed all the time forever

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I love it

by Anonymous 9 months ago