+165 Calorie-free energy drinks have zero actual energy in them, amirite?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They aren't digested for calories no. But neither is cocaine. Stimulants make you feel energized regardless of whether they're mixed with sustenance.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It seems OP is using energy in more of the physics sense, meaning its got nothing we can use to break bonds into actual usable energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They are still incorrect. In just about every possible physics sense, energy drinks absolutely have energy in them - nuclear energy, energy in molecular bonds, thermal energy, a few types of potential energy ... Just not chemical energy that can be released using the specific biochemical processes within a particular species.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Ok, they meant it in the biochemical way! Problem solved!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Exactly lol the semantics are ridiculous lol. Why would OP be referring at any of that when talking about a food item being digested.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They would still be wrong, as evidenced by the fact that you get an energy bump when you consume it.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Is that a perception of energy or actually energy?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Not how stimulants work. You can feel more energised without getting any calories because stimulants interact directly with your nervous system.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Nuclear energy drinks?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Haven't you heard of Nuka Cola yet? While not an energy drink, it's still very rad!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Very fun at parties you

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Physicists have parties

by Anonymous 9 months ago

We call them lectures

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think you mean "campaigns"

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Conferences tbh

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Video or the ones with laniards and nametags

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You know he meant carbs you're just nitpicking.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

So is OP

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yeah but at that point water has energy lol

by Anonymous 9 months ago

So... original coca-cola was an energy drink. Good to know

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Current coca cola is an energy drink. What do you think that much sugar does to your body?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

they drink it in small doses during the Tour the France maybe not anymore with the rise of gels but they still were in 2012

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Thats cuz it got ee-lec-troh-lights

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Its what plants crave

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Brawndo, the Thirst Mutilator

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You mean they have zero energy we can use to fuel our bodies, right?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I have to imagine this is what they meant, otherwise OP is an idiot

by Anonymous 9 months ago

As long as there is mass, there is indeed energy

by Anonymous 9 months ago

e=mc², so there's actually a lot of energy in even plain water.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Well kinda but what this actually is saying is that mass is energy. So it's not just energy in water, water *is* energy, just in a different form then what we usually think of as energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Try surviving on a water-only diet then. I'm obviously talking about free energy here

by Anonymous 9 months ago

if you paid for it it's not free

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Bruh what

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Some have caffeine so it can make you energetic

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Calories are a measure of energy. So, zero calories must mean zero energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

If I throw it at your head, it has kinetic energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Well, there is rest energy while they are on a shop shelf. When you grab them, it's kinetic energy. There are few other types of energy to apply to the said drinks and if you have any energy in you, you might want to google energy and educate yourself.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Even excess vitamins somehow still provide some sort of energy... except sometimes, they make me wanna sleep (whys that I don't know)

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Nonsense. The energy they contain is equal to their mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

That's not what we mean by energy that's usable by human organisms, though

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Not according to Einstein.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They have a huge amount of energy. A can of any drink contains 3 × 10\^16 joules of energy (E = m × c\^2).

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They don't have "energy" either (barring sugar), right? It's nothing but water, sugar, caffeine and artificial flavour.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Sugar is in fact an energy source the body uses. You are a combustion engine running on calories.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I agree. Hence I said "barring sugar"

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Taurine and vitamins also have energy. Red Bull Zero has 8kJ.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Of course they're energy drinks because they give you energy, it's not a battery.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

What a dumbass logic forgetting about the main ingredients of those drinks: caffeine and taurine

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Right, but they have chemicals that cause your body to release stored energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago


by Anonymous 9 months ago

Wrong. Zero useable energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Still wrong. There is a tiny amount of useable energy in the form of taurine and vitamins. They're not just water and caffeine.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Idiot. I'm talking about chemical and stored energy. It has mass therefore energy. You wanna argue with a physics teacher go fuking right ahead pal

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Also, you could rig something up to use their gravitational potential energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Probably do have some minerals though which can also be deemed nutritional

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Everything not at Absolute Zero has some energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Even something at 0 Kelvin contains potential energy. You can turn the mass into usable energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

This is true! Its like water with a bit of flavor :P

by Anonymous 9 months ago

E = mc^2 or something like this

by Anonymous 9 months ago

they 100% have energy in them, by every measurable metric

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The real energy drink is a Potato.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Wrong. Red Bull Zero has 8 kJ of energy. Printed right there on the can.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Does black coffee count? Cause 1 cup has about 2.4 calories, practically 0. So, technically, the statement is still true.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Everything contains energy

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Sure but not energy that can be used to do work

by Anonymous 9 months ago

0 cal to burn, but enough caffeine to boost your metabolic rate. It's energizing, not energy.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

If it boosts your metabolic rate, then it's providing a net negative input of energy though lol

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's marketing.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Celsius actually markets as a negative calorie drink

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Just caffeine and vibes

by Anonymous 9 months ago

All matter is just condensed energy. It's our bodies can't access the vast majority of it to turn in to usable energy

by Anonymous 9 months ago

True I feel tired after a 2rd Monster for me

by Anonymous 9 months ago

As e=mc², they have more energy than is released than does a nuclear bomb.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They usual do, just like decaf usually has caffeine in it.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

There's matter in those cans, and matter \*is\* energy. Thank an Einstein.

by Anonymous 9 months ago