-40 The world needs more UNHAPPY endings. amirite?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Where are you living? Media has plenty of unhappy endings

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Right! OP must have never gotten one of their favorite shows cancelled

by Anonymous 9 months ago


by Anonymous 9 months ago


by Anonymous 9 months ago

look harder then.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Russian literature is full of unhappy endings and suffering in general. That's the first thing that comes to my mind. Speaking about movies/shows, when I wanted to see something with an unhappy ending I saw movies about terminal illnesses. They have unhappy endings and they are gutwretching.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Ooh, I like that perspective. Any theories on why Russian lit is so dark? And are there any particular examples that come to mind?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I used to think this. Then I realized the reality of the world is mostly unhappy endings, so it's nice to see the opposite.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I hate unhappy endings. Life is already full of unhappy endings...why would I want to dive into a piece of fiction that has an unhappy ending as well?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

What DO you want from a piece of fiction? Why do you read? And what genres do you prefer?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I read fiction to escape from reality and for entertainment.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Which genres?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

There are no happy endings in real life, why do I want them to be more prominent in the media I consume?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Do you really think there are NO happy endings in real life?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Become a connoisseur of Wagnerian opera, if you want to experience more unhappy endings in your life.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The Ring Series. Probably the most famous of all of Wagner's operas. (Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit!)

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Awesome. Thanks so much 😊

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Never heard of it, but I'll check it out. Any recommendations on where to start? 😄

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's not like I can't go back and read Poe if I want to read about dark and uncomfortable situations. Plus I've definitely read books with unhappy endings recently. Specifically coming to mind is >!A Good Son by You-Jeong Jeong.!<

by Anonymous 9 months ago

What's the story of the Good Son all about? How does it end? =)

by Anonymous 9 months ago


by Anonymous 9 months ago

Not saying there aren't books with unhappy endings, just that it'd be good to have more of them, you know?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Does it, though? Does it *really*? Are you really hard up for media with unhappy endings?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Dramas and thrillers. Choose your genre.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Does life not already have enough of unhappy endings? Why pile on more into movies, books, etc?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The world is UNHAPPY place, already these wars n politics are prooving the same

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's everywhere now. Traditional happy endings are becoming more and more of a rarity if anything.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

How does that sit with you? Do you like it, hate it, indifferent?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I guess it depends on the story being told. Like if it's the kind of movie or series I turn off my brain to watch I'd prefer a more straightforward ending. But if it's something that I'm really invested in I'm all for an unhappy or ambiguous ending. I think there's place for all kinds.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

True. I'm honestly sick and tired of happy endings. The world isn't all colors and rainbows.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I agree. Friday Night Lights was a good example of this.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You would love German film and books lol

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Got any recommendations? =)

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I have to admit watching "game of thrones " convinced me that bad decisions by characters needed to be punished with severe consequences. I grew up watching the "A" team magnum PI, and other stupid shows where everyone survives.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

This is why I watch and read horror. Plenty of ambiguous or bad endings.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Arlington road is of my favorites for that

by Anonymous 9 months ago

If you really want an unhappy ending, I have a fairly competitive fee and I am fully discreet.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I literally read or watch television to escape the unhappy endings. Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The real world has enough so if you want more unhappy endings in fiction make more happy endings in reality and see if that hasn't changed your mind

by Anonymous 9 months ago

As long as they don't kill the dog, I'm ok with the ending.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

We absolutely do. And we need more villains to win.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Guy loves girl for decades and she always says not interested. At 59 she confesses her feelings finally.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Black mirror is pretty good

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I agree with this as far as movies. Theres a movie called "Extraterrestrials" *Spolier Alert where the guy and girl hold hands at the end thinking they've survived only to be shot in the back and killed by the U.S government. It was sad because you want them to live, but there was this realness to it that happy endings doesn't always happen.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

In my school curriculum we only have kinda of realist endings The great gadsby The stranger The sorrow of war The bell jar

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You should check out Seinen Anime my dude.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I don't mind bad endings, they just need to be executed properly

by Anonymous 9 months ago