+148 Comedy is dying (or dead) amirite?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Mainstream comedy is awful. Basically any and every network sitcom is devoid of comedy since, like you said, there are so many triggers that they try to avoid. Or they downright pander to specific audiences. But good comedy is by no means dead. Many hilarious comedians have free specials on youtube. Ari Shaffir, Big J Oakerson, Shane Gillis, Joe List, Mark Normand are just a few that each have over 1m views. If you're just watching regular cable you won't see anyone that's actually funny.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Cue people bemoaning how they can't spout slurs with no consequences (not saying that's what OP meant but there's no way it won't attract that crowd)

by Anonymous 9 months ago

If you're referring to *mainstream* comedy, I agree with you there.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Comedy can't really die can it (as long as people find it funny).

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Comedy has been "dying" for decades now. It's like music. Everyone thinks what they grew up with is the best.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

U cant say anything without someone getting mad and canceling your ass

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I genuinely believe comedy has never been more alive. All the stand up spots to see it live, Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, Comedy Mothership, Kill Tony. If you can't see it live (which is the best way to see it) you can watch a special from any style of comedian on a streaming service. If you want a longer form more casual style you can listen to comedian podcasts for free. If you want funny, shorter clips you can get that too on social media or even Netflix quick laughs. I could see if you think there are so many choices of comedians that it's hard to choose something with so many options but to say it's dead is completely opposite of my interpretation of it.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's been this way.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Stand up is not, sitcoms though we're always crap

by Anonymous 9 months ago