+152 At some point in it's lifespan a garbage can will just become garbage. amirite?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yes but they are really hard to throw away. The trash man keeps bringing it back from his truck instead of putting it in it.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

At some point in its lifespan, everything will become garbage.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

All of your stuff will eventually wear out or be discarded, and even the building you live in will be most likely demolished within the next 100 years. Even recycled stuff gets thrown away eventually, probably the 2nd or 3rd time around someone will throw it away.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

And the box your garbage bags are in will be in the garbage bag one day. Kind of like a chicken omelette.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It became what it swore to consume

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'm guessing that time will come at the end of its lifespan.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Haha, that's a great way to put it. But I think there are ways we can minimize that waste and make the most out of our resources.

by Anonymous 9 months ago