+173 Younger men hate younger women for going for older men. Older women hate older men for going for younger women, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So, obviously Older Women need to go for Younger Men.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

They do, but then the older women hate the younger men because they won't marry/have kids with them.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Also they're earlier in their career and life experience and those tend to be a lot more important to older women so it makes for a weird power dynamic and often doesn't last. Older men dating young women don't tend to care about their social status and where they are with their career.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

This is very true. Men don't care about women's social status/career as much cuz they assume the woman will kind of fall in line and go with them, which often happens. Younger dudes might enjoy having an older woman for a while, but generally aren't going to go along with their lives and the dudes want their own livs.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

* men practically don't care about women's social status at all, statistically speaking.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Men unconsciously know that resource extraction only flows one direction in most relationships, particularly after kids, which is the major motivator for family formation

by Anonymous 9 months ago

"Resource extraction" damn you make it sound like a World Bank proposal

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'm gonna need your debt to income ratio to go way down -IMF/my wife.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

We're making some structural adjustments.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Umm… no? Women can be financially supportive too. Plenty are breadwinners. Lots of dudes out there with a wife who makes bank. And even if they aren't in the 1/6 who make more than their man, a third of women make just as much as their male partner. "About 16% of wives are the breadwinners in their families, while another 29% earn roughly the same amount as their husbands, according to the analysis, which is based on several sources of data including the U.S. Census Bureau and the American Time Use Survey."

by Anonymous 9 months ago

in other words only about 16% of women are comfortable with a partner who earns noticeably less than they do

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Is it really only that low? Damn apparently I'm a rarity I make twice as much as my bf lol.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Personally, the reason that I fear dating women my own age or older is because I still haven't worked out certain issues that I went through because of my generation or older, but younger people in my experience seem to be more accepting and less likely to judge as quickly. Though, I admit that the reason younger people act this way is likely because of the things that my generation and older learned and passed down, so in time I might be able to find someone my own age that I can be comfortable with.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think us men are expected to know where we are in life and sort ourselves out, and women can be a wreck financially or emotionally, and they'd be fine. Which is kinda sad and makes me think men are at a disadvantage when looking for a partner.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

not true anymore tbh, women who like their careers will continue their careers regardless of what their man does. The women who 'fall in line' typically don't like their jobs in the first place like a lot of us out there and quit the moment they have the option

by Anonymous 9 months ago

"I can't put my penis in your college degree And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams' -Lajoie

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's a bit frustrating. Young men are told they should be different but there's no room to turn around, if you catch my drift.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

That's quite interesting, I feel like I kinda get your point but I'm not sure. Could you elaborate?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Plus the older women are in a pretty sucky spot in the long run as they become very old and outlive most men.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Ah the circle of life

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The older women ive dated had been through menopause and / or dont want any or more kids, and don't ever want to get married again. I was the one who wanted a longer term than they did.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Speaking from experience?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Second hand experience. Got a good friend who's in her late 30's and unmarried. Always been into younger guys. Currently coming to terms with being an unmarried, childless, career woman nearing 40. She's attractive too. Just apparently too picky/high maintenance.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Well, if she expects the guys to be a financially stable as her, then it might be high standards. Guys, especially younger, aren't super financially stable or sometimes they aren't the most mature, which is usually what I see women that go up from a certain age like.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I've met so many really immature older men (and honestly, also older women). I think past a certain age, maturity is a myth. Not to say that age isn't important, there are certainly generational differences that shape us and there is a difference in a 35 year old whose been beaten down over and over and an optimistic 20 year old. But that doesn't mean the 35 year old is a better partner. But if you are looking to have kids and secure the most money for your nuclear family, then sure, the older man younger woman relationship definitely makes sense. But a lot of people aren't looking for that kind of relationship anymore.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

maturity is a mindset, not an age. some people never grow up while others have had to take care of parents as kids.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'd say maturity is a collection of lessons learned. You can go your whole life without learning certain lessons or just as easily learn them very early.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think maturity matters until you get to about 30. Then everyone is on equal footing. There's a difference between a 20 year old and a 40 year old.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

While I agree, personally dealing with so many outliers makes this feel off even when it isn't.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

There's a difference between an 18 and 25, there's a difference between a 20 and a 30. That's why normal people get alarm bells seeing relationships of those gaps or greater. Even a 40 and a 60 will seem weird. There's many stages to a person's life and maturity, if you're not in the same phase you'll have clashing needs and desires which leads to a gap in common ground outside of superficial urges. Depending how quickly someone grows into the next phase of their maturity and life you could easily be in your 30s and incompatible with someone else in their 30s who hasn't got the same responsibility or motivation. There's no pure science to it but typically things meet a sniff test.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's a difference in experience and perspective. Young people are still making their beds. Old folks are now sleeping in the beds they made.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'm sure having a career path is important to her but from my perspective it's mostly that she wants a tall, fit, white collar guy who comes from a good family and loves to travel, ski etc. So, any dude in that category who is 28-32 will be dating women between roughly 21 and 36. Probably more than one of them at a time. And when they look 5 years into the future with a cute 21 year old they see a 26 year old potentially carrying their child, maybe they are living together and saving for a house. When they look 5 years into the future with a 36+ year old they see two kids, a mortgage and a premenopausal wife. It's a huge commitment. And it's the long term commitment that these guys are backing away from. They don't want to grow up yet. They want to play around a few more years. Maybe they'll have kids when they're 40. She wants marriage, a house and kids NOW. She doesn't have time to say, "maybe some time in the future we'll get married and have children." I tell her to look for men in the 40-50 year old range because one might be thrilled have a cute 30-something to carry their baby but she really isn't interested in those guys. So, she's single.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

There is a reason sperm banks do not accept donations from men older than 39.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

A lot of women have a gender swapped version of the neckbeard "perfect waifu only" syndrome and only figure out that what they want either doesnt exist or that what they have to offer cant afford what they want way too late

by Anonymous 9 months ago

>what they have to offer cant afford what they want A lot of online ‘messaging' seems to contribute to delaying their realization of this, until as you say it's too late.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Are you just assuming she is 'high-mainatenance' or there is evidence of that? Women in mid 30's go for younger men because these is all we get. Men our age are rarely single and when they are, they go for younger women.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Trust me -- she will be happier able to stand on her own two feet than if she had "settled", compromised on her career, had kids, and then been left by a dude for a younger woman. The problem isn't her standards. It's that too many guys are unreliable partners, and if there aren't enough who are up to par, some of us are actually better off on our own.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

If "too many" are unreliable, then surely narrowing it down even further with ridiculous expectations is a problem? Wanting to find a financially-stable good-looking man with similar hobbies, works well with her and who's immediately ready to settle down seems like a big ask for what may be a pretty undesirable woman. If she's single when there's however many million men out there, then she likely needs to evaluate herself or her expectations.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Good looking men with a decent income is already ruling out most of the male population. Adding in the " won't cheat" you get next to none left

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Nah, there's plenty left. They're just all in committed relationships, and don't cheat lol. Few *single* men for sure!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Morale of the story: Old single women hate men.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

So much hate when you're absolutely right 😂

by Anonymous 9 months ago

As a lover of MILFs I approve this statement.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Been there. I've dated a few older women. Talk about some good times, and amazing sex. Oh the sex was some of the best I've ever had.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Right there with you, brother.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The most important ACT/ SAT question and you got the right answer.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'll make that sacrifice 😂.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

And everybody was kung fu fighting!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

That sex was a little bit frightening.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

He busted fast as lighning!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

She licked it up with expert timing!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Hiehhhhhuhhhhhh squirty iO

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Oh-ho-ho-ho. I think I've done my hip!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I love your name

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I don't hate anybody ☹️

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Hate is too strong of a word. Shouldn't have used that one

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I dont have enemies

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You do. They just didn't tell you.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Lmao that sad face is funny to me for some reason

by Anonymous 9 months ago

That's because you don't know me yet.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

That just means that you're either a younger woman, or an older man.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'm in the middle dating everyone

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'm on the middle dating no one

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think the unifying principle here is just that many people get mad when they can't get something they want.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's worse than that. It's hating others for getting what they can't get.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's not enough to succeed. Others must fail!

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The main reason given by Brexit supporters was that they wanted to "get back at their neighbors" or wanted some kind of retribution against immigrants even if it hurt themselves.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think that there are a lot of people that just don't care as much as you think they do. Some of us just don't care at all. Not my life, do what you want between two consenting adults. I've got my own life to live.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Hate is too strong a word. If you are close to those who love you, optimal strategies for life are not a surprise you find out later.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I hate everyone, so there.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The first thing said is not true. Younger men (I was one) don't hate younger women for going after older men. They think it yucky. Can't speak for older women, never been one, but my guess is they think it yucky (for the record, I am an older man and I think it gross)

by Anonymous 9 months ago

There's a solution here that's working out well for me… lol

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The wink in your profile pic lol

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Keeping in mind of course most people prefer to date an attractive person close to their own age

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Humans. Everybody hates nearly everyone.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's generally for different reasons though. Younger men hate younger women for going for older men because the younger men want the young women them for themselves & fear they have a disadvantage. Older women hate older men for going for younger women because they (or someone they're close to) were likely preyed on for their inexperience in the past and want to try prevent the next generation from having to experience that. I hate my sister's boyfriend not because I want him for myself (ew) but because he's a predatory 36 year old man who went after a teenager, impregnated her and then (plot twist we all saw coming) beat her while she was pregnant.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The crazy part about being a man is that since age of 13 you have to compete with grown men for girls your age

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yeah that's the sad thing

by Anonymous 9 months ago

No matter what you do someone is going to disapprove. So just do what you want.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

>So just do what you want. Slow down there partner

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's time to revenge, where are all the milfs???

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Many women are complete hypocrites. When I was in college and my early 20s, women my age would date guys who were 5 or 10 years older than them and brag about it. They much preferred that over guys their own age. Then when I hit my mid-thirties and would date women who were 10 or so years younger than me, those very same female friends would criticize me for it. Hypocrites.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I think I speak for a lot of older women when I say that they don't want the "older men who go after younger women." Those dudes have too many problems, are too much work, and are generally still not emotionally mature. We're fine without them, and we feel sorry for those younger women who got suckered into taking care of an old man.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yeah. It's more like a warning from experience because we know damn well we didn't see all the red flags at that age either and wish someone would have explained it better.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's true. I wouldn't even say they are too much work, they're like buying a house that's been condemned. I'm sure there are some exceptions but I haven't seen them.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Like that's literally the reason why they're going for younger women because women their age won't date them 😭OP is talking out his ass

by Anonymous 9 months ago

More like young women hate older men for going after them 💀😅

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Most of the time, it seems, if an older man is going after a younger woman, he's not the sort of person anyone should want to be involved with. Lots of younger women just haven't figured that out yet. Now the beginning part of OPs statement is still technically true, I just don't think it's for the reason OP seems to be implying.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You'd think

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I know it, cause I met plenty of young women disgusted by older men coming after them. Though even young women that I met that accepted their advances weren't too proud with them. Men like to delude themselves and believe that they can pull this or that young woman, when in reality they are just thinking, ew

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yeah, I went out a few times with older guys when I was younger. They really were fun to be with, or I wouldn't have been interested, but jesus. There are limits to human attraction.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yeah, depending on how young you start out, it could turn into cringe later.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Older women want younger men because younger men usually have better bodies and can "play" harder. Older men want younger because younger women usually have softer skin, look better, etc etc. It is what it is.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

OP just called out Red pill and 2X. Somebody get the popcorn.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Redpill are the older men tbh

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Anyone can hate anyone for anything. Doesn't mean their opinions are worth af

by Anonymous 9 months ago

So everybody hates younger women???

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Thats not what reality is though

by Anonymous 9 months ago

It's something I notice balding fat guys seem to say. However most young woman I know love guys with healthy fluffy hair, youthful appearance and good style

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Dating summed up. No one is having a good time.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Yeah, no. This isn't accurate at all. Most women dislike older men that go for younger women because it's gross and predatory. Young women only fall for it because they're young/inexperienced, the guys their age aren't usually interested in the same things they are, and the notion of dating an older guy has been romanticized. I can promise you that most older women who dislike the men who go for younger women have had a personal bad experience with said situation when they were younger— whether it was them personally or maybe a friend/family member. It has nothing to do with being jealous, it has everything to do with finding men who do that to be creeps, but knowing there's not much we can do about it.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I'm not out here hating anyone, I'm just out here dating someone on the same wavelength as I am and hanging out with people who largely do the same. That usually translates to dating someone close to your own age, regardless of gender, but sometimes it doesn't. It's only noteworthy when someone *exclusively* seeks out large age gaps or refuses to date close to their own age, but most of the people I know who do that are perpetually single.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Women want to be with men who have experience, and are not broke. Those men tend to be older. Then 10 years later, those men that were ignored who now have experience and money, don't want to be with the woman who would have ignored him 10 years ago. Also, now that they have experience and money, they have options.

by Anonymous 9 months ago


by Anonymous 9 months ago

tbh i don't think many young men actually care when a young woman dates an older man

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Hate isn't the right word here, but yes, your point still is true.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Meanwhile milf is the number one category for porn in multiple states…

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Ever heard of cougars?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

As a young man I think it is okay for older man to date with younger girls if they are okay with fifty years old me dating their young daughters 🙃.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Happy people don't care.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

/slaps old man This baby can fit so much hate

by Anonymous 9 months ago

The real irony is when women who would never even consider dating a man who is younger than them complain about older men dating younger women.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Oh no, women like age appropriate men how awful of them

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Sorry if it came across like that's what I was saying. That wasn't my intention. I was saying that it's ironic when women only date older men, while simultaneously complaining about older men dating younger women. Like if you only date older men, it shouldn't be weird for you when men date younger women.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

In my 38m experience younger women have more enthusiasm and fun in the sack that older women. Older women tend too be too particular of specific in what gets them off. This causes issues when the more equally aged but energetic male is faced with a decreased or absent sex drive in a woman of similar age. Hence why older men go for younger women. Older women on the other hand prefer a younger more malleable and manipulated males who can be conditioned to "work" the way the older female wants.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

You forgot to add older men love when younger women go for older men.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Uhhhh noooo... older men going after younger women just means older women need to PROTECT the younger women who are getting creeped on. If a dude wants to only go after women half his age that tells me everything I need to know about him... trash took itself out.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Thats why Im now as older men not dating or anything of those young women, why should we love somebody who would have been mean to pur past selves

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Smart older women are amused, at least, by an older man going for a younder woman.She knows he's fooling himself.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I don't like older men going for younger women because it's predatory not because I want them. There's usually a reason no one their age will date them.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

That's the biggest cope, if men can date down in age they sure as hell can date up as well.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Maybe those men shouldn't date until they do some serious work on themselves.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

Work on themselves? In which way?

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I hate women who are after money and men who are after beauty. Basically I hate 99.9% of worlds population.

by Anonymous 9 months ago

I asked my wife why she settled for someone her age and she said it's because she didn't want to have to reteach sex. I suppose that's +1 for me? Maybe??

by Anonymous 9 months ago