+5 Lion King 2 is better than Lion King, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Feels like you're just going for an "easily unpopular thing to say" for this one

by Anonymous 8 months ago

lol this take is so stupid

by Anonymous 8 months ago

🎵🎶Deception, disgrace…🎶🎵

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Evil as plain as the scar on his face..

by Anonymous 8 months ago

🎵🎶Let him run, let him live🎶🎵

by Anonymous 8 months ago

But do not forget, what we cannot forgive…

by Anonymous 8 months ago

i'll buy this

by Anonymous 8 months ago

U can leave

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Lion King is ten times better.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Man, I need to rewatch Lion King 2, it has been 10 years and I am 19.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This just seems like an easy trolling…

by Anonymous 8 months ago