+164 Listening to stand up comedy at the gym is better than music. amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm gonna try this. Anything you can recommend?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I like clean comedy. Brian Regan, Gary Gulman, Mike Birbiglia, are a few that come to mind. I mostly like it during cardio, not so much weightlifting.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Thank you, I will check them out. And I will check them out during cardio. Wouldn't want myself burst out laughing and dropping a weight on my face or anything 😂

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm just saying this, you gonna look like a lunatic if you're laughing during your workouts

by Anonymous 8 months ago

And imagine if you are lifting something super heavy and want to laugh at the joke. You would probably drop the weight on yourself and get hurt.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well running is a different vibe from lifting. I can listen to anything when running, but lifting is music only.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I prefer music while working out but when I'm at work I can listen to headphones and I prefer podcasts and kill Tony

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Comedy is not going to push me through doing reps or continuing to run when I feel like falling over and puking.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This is not an opinion it's a preference.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Nah. Running to a beat and tempo keeps me motivated to keep running. If I'm doing something longer term sure. But the gym? Nah

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No way. If you have to really laugh you can drop things. Laughing kills your ability to focus and keep heavy weights. Listen to something really funny and try just walking.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The best is listening to audiobooks. I can zone the hell out, nor have to worry that the song has the right tempo, and my 45 min of treadmill passes in a flash

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well yeah if you're just prancing on a treadmill or elliptical. People watch tv and movies or even play games while doing that. It's brain afk stuff Stand up while doing weight lifting or circuit training is a no from me dawg

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What is the deal with those dumb bells? Why are they dumb? Did they fail phys Ed?

by Anonymous 8 months ago