+139 Most matter is empty space. amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's not what matter is.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's exactly backwards. Space is mostly empty, matter is the only thing that makes it not completely empty, matter is the only thing in the universe that is NOT empty

by Anonymous 8 months ago

*All* matter is *mostly* empty space\* I'll keep it simple, but if you define matter as something made up with atoms, all matter is 99.9% empty space. Visualize a sports stadium, let's go with American Football; if you were to place a dime on the 50 yard line, that would represent the nucleus of an atom and the stadium would represent the space for the electrons to travel in. Pack quadrillions of them together and the object they make up is seemingly impenetrable, despite still just being 99.9% empty space

by Anonymous 8 months ago