+174 The divorce rate in socks must be really high. amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Not to mention adultery.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

in socks? I don't quite understand. Like people were wearing socks?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well one sock does more than half the work. It's the one that kicks the ball, starts you off on the right foot, keeps you up when you only have a leg to stand on and even the one who kicks the rock when you get told to kick rocks and leave. And the one the puppy chews on and all the while the pair to it's is out " lost in the dryer" like that is even a real thing. You know she was out being a toe hoe.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I dont even pair them up, just throw them all into the drawer for a constant sock orgy

by Anonymous 8 months ago

If I buy a bulk pack of identical socks, does that mean they are all in a polyamorous relationship?

by Anonymous 8 months ago