+163 The term "IPad kids" is ridiculous, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well, the iPad kids syndrome has two parts—first, the device in the hands of kids, the second, the actions of the parents ignoring the kids on their own devices.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>the second, the actions of the parents ignoring the kids on their own devices. Honestly parents ignoring their kids and not doing their job of parenting has and always will be the problem. Today it's ipads. Before that it was computers, before that it TVs, and before that it was throwing the kids outside and telling them not to come home until it was dark out. The way of getting the kid to shut up and go away has changed, but the neglectful parenting stays.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Maybe the difference between then and now is that before it was TV and computers, so when you went out into the world you couldn't bring it with you. Now the ever present iPad goes anywhere and everywhere. I don't think I'd ever heard this as a term, but I'd probably be considered a GameBoy kid. Definitely a huge difference between distracting your kid with Tv and gadgets vs being let loose to run around until it gets dark though.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yes, you are 100% correct. Adults are indeed also engaging in unhealthy behavior with their phones. That doesn't mean we should just let the iPad kids slide further down the slippery slope.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Blessed times truly. People glued to phones, not forcing small talk out of boredom. When the conversation is good I rarely see people using phones. I will rather watch tik tok than listening how Stephen fired up his grill for the last time this Sunday, because he expect it was last sunny day this year.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

How good can the person make the conversation if the other person isn't really making the effort to pay attention? You're not gonna think what I have to say is interesting if you're more interested in a Tik Tok. And my delivery on that conversation is gonna be worse if I notice you don't seem interested. You're not obligated to talk to anyone, but what they have to say might be interesting if you paid a little more attention.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Here's the difference. I'm in my mid 30s, and I (like many others) have a phone constantly in my possession. I do everything on it, and would feel lost without it. HOWEVER! I was raised without one. I developed social skills and conflict resolution skills in my formative years. I went outside and played with my friends doing physical activities, and that built the foundation of who I am as an adult. Sure, I use my phone a lot, but I also am active in my own life. iPad kids are not doing that. They're constantly behind a screen. Their conflict resolution skills are non-existent. As are their social skills. Not every child is like this. Some parents are very withholding when it comes to screen time, and that's a good thing. We didn't evolve to watch screens all day every day. I'm calling it now. There's going to be a huge difference between children that were raised on tablets, and children that were raised to have social skills and conflict resolution skills.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

There already is, my friends mom has been a middle school teacher for decades, and social, communication and problem solving skills have fully gone down the drain. Some kids straight up refuse to speak to her when spoken to because their social skills are just that bad. They also struggle to follow basic instruction because they can't pay attention. She says there's a stark difference in kids who's parents are hands on and concious about their technology use vs kids who clearly have free rein.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Then if you let the kid scream through an appointment they have a problem with that too. Wild idea but just because a kid gets a tablet as a distraction in public where they are required to be still and quiet doesn't mean they get a tablet 24/7.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

People don't really live anymore. They are so caught up in the phones that they don't know what real life means anymore. Even Einstein predicted this. The future will be cabbage. Too much technology spoils, and when we realize it will be too late.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>People don't really live anymore Yes they do. >They are so caught up in the phones that they don't know what real life means anymore. Not true.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Succinct and to the point. People need to touch grass at some point.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Guess you´ve never been around people who are really addicted to their phones because some people really are so caught up in their phones that their lives are pretty empty. Same is true for people sitting in front of other electronic devices all day, though. God knows I´ve know a lot of people that really don´t have lives anymore because entertainment has become the only thing they do besides working or sleeping.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

ok but those people arent common

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Depends on the age group and the environment I think. They´re common enough for me to know like half a dozen of those people.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

theres a difference between a kid with a tablet and an ipad kid. ipad kids basically *always* have that out and on, and the parents basically let it chaperone the kid. basically, an excuse for them to be lazy. i always had a ds on me as a kid, i was never like this.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Don't breathe near me. I don't want to catch an old.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

They never did.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>Many adults are too often glued to their phones as well! And that´s a problem, too. People´s attention spans - no matter their age - being consumed by their electronic devices is a huge societal problem. The one tragic things about Ipad kids specifically is that they basically grow up with technology from day 1. That can´t be good. At least me and people my age I know grew up spending some hours per day outside pyhsically interacting with friends prior to highspeed internet entering our lives.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The kids who are being raised that way are actively having their minds molded still and are learning how to socially interact (by NOT socially interacting) which is the difference. An adult is not the same thing as a kid

by Anonymous 8 months ago

We will see the consequences of today's parenting with the iPad kids in the future. Till then whoever wants to be called a responsible parent don't buy your kid a smartphone or a tablet

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I never wanted conversations, so when I was a kid I brought books with me everywhere. Now my son is an iPad kid and I totally get it.

by Anonymous 8 months ago