+156 I do not like texting in the concept of dating apps, I'd rather just meet up, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's a pretty popular opinion. One I disagree with though. Life is hectic. Not that much time to meet. Don't want to meet blindly. Want to know at least essential things about potential partner before giving them a chance. I did have long-term relationships with people I met at dating sites/apps.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"Β Don't want to meet blindly. Want to know at least essential things about potential partner before giving them a chance." You wouldn't do that though. Under normal circumstances, you'd meet someone in person, converse for awhile, maybe exchange contact info and converse some more, then maybe become involved with them. That is better than using apps but I get what you are saying about having time and opportunities to meet people.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I did do that. And it worked. I texted the match. With no rush and need to answer immediately. Questioned them. Answered their questions. Agreed on meeting and THEN met.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I've already texted this individual for a few days , then we agree to meet 6 days later, he's been texting me each day leading up I'm losing it . I like his message as a hint I'm don't texting and he asks another unrelated question out the left field 😭 "what music do you like" when we were talking about fried chicken like drop it we're meeting up already !!!! πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

by Anonymous 8 months ago

He thinks you're going to flake or make a plan with someone else if he doesn't keep the conversation in your most recent chats.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well, he was interested. It's okay to be different. But if his communication style gets on your nerves - you might not be compatible. Which is okay too. Look for your person, but don't try to change people.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No, what? I'm saying if you met someone in person, it wouldn't be a blind date. Meeting online is more of a blind date. Online sucks because you have to play stupid games instead of talking to someone normally like you or me would talk to each other if we were face to face. That gets a lot of nonsense out of the way because you see and hear the real person.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What stupid games are you talking about?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

All the back and forth conversation that gets nowhere because they are slow to message back and or you can't hear their tone over the internet to fully understand how they feel, people who say crazy stuff they would never say to you IRL, people with pictures that don't really look like them. Tons of dumb stuff online that would never happen if you were talking to an actual person.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I **want** that. People showing who they are with less inhibitions. That tells me a lot about them and lets me filter the shallow, crazy, or simply incompatible ones. And since they would be more reserved IRL - I'd actually spend more time figuring them out if I meet them right away. So yeah, win-win!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That seems popular. Many people struggle to communicate coherently via text, and I'm probably not that great at it, either.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Then why are you on dating apps? It sounds like they aren't for you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

When I was on dating apps, I preferred texting. I have a full time job, school and a myriad of other obligations. Texting is a good way to figure out if somebody is worth shifting obligations and will actually be compatible. I don't want to waste time just to say I did it in person.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

When you are playing dating roulette, why spend 2 hours and $10 on one slot when you can play 50 slots for free all at the same time?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

100% Agree. You really don't know who you are talking to over the internet. Also people behave differently than they would in real life.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I felt the same way. I tried the texting thing, and it kept leading to dead ends and wasting time, so I made it a point to meet up as soon as possible. That usually worked okay, but then I met someone I really wanted to get to know. They did not want to meet up for several weeks. They didn't even want to have a phone call. I finally got fed up and told them we need to progress or end things. We had a phone call, met a few days later, and that person is now my wife. I couldn't be happier with how things turned out.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I love hearing stories like this, I do try to keep an open mind and continue texting if the person continues it even if it's asking unrelated questions when the convo turns dry - just irritable but try to be understanding and open minded

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'd like to know if the man is gonna skin me alive or not thank youuuu

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I do not like the concept of dating. I just want somebody to take me home one day and adopt me.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Agree, I would rather meet someone in person. Dating apps almost seem like a bidding thing.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

OP coming at us with the most popular opinion of all time

by Anonymous 8 months ago