+176 People don't think playing basketball will make you tall, but do think swimming will give you a swimmer's body, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Genetically Phelps is definitely special but anyone who swims often and eats right will get a swimmers body.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't think these are the same lol. a swimmer's body is attainable. It comes from using muscles you typically wouldn't use in an aerobic fashion on land. It's not referencing a longer torso and shorter legs lol

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Probably because it will

by Anonymous 8 months ago

People are very ignorant about physical fitness in general and this is one of many misconceptions. For some reason, people think that swimmers train only by swimming, football players only train by playing football, tennis players only train by playing tennis. The truth is, pretty much any professional athlete does some sort of weight training and endurance training outside their actual sports practice. Swimmers don't get their muscles from swimming. Football players don't get their muscles from playing football. Their sports might influence some of their proportions slightly, and the type of sport they play may influence the kinds of training they do outside their sports practice, but sports themselves aren't the cause of how they look.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No swimmers definitely get their muscles by swimming. Even in high school there's some weight training yes but it's definitely not the focus. Swimmers do a lot of resistance training. You don't want to train muscles you don't use so resistance is beneficial especially when you're training for speed over distance instead of pure explosive power. A swimmers body or looking like a dorito or a tree or many of the other triangle shaped things I've been called is because of the heavy exercise of the shoulders triceps and lats while not needing your calves almost at all. Swimming a 5k every morning burns a lot of calories too so you end up pretty lean no matter what you eat

by Anonymous 8 months ago

dude is shaped like some kind of merman/human/paddlefish thing

by Anonymous 8 months ago

? what you mean we are not all the same?? (don't look at sports / Olympics...)

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Nobody says swimming will make you like Phelps (dude's a phenom) but "swimmer's body" just generally means lean, athletic looking body type, which swimming a lot will definitely helps you get there because swimming is largely a cardio exercise. Also people definitely says playing basketball makes you taller. Used to hear it said to me all the time when I was a kid.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This would make sense if it was: "People don't think playing basketball gives you a basketball player's body, but...". It's partly genetic but your body also adapts to the sport you do.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Is that something you think?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I am shaped like a whale. Whales swim. Therefore I have a swimmer's body.

by Anonymous 8 months ago