+174 No matter what you believe, there's about 3 billion people who are certain you're going to hell. amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I doubt there are even 3 thousand people who are aware of my existence.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

All 3,000 people in Gary, Indiana now know too. You're done buddy.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It doesn't matter if they know you. Most religions, believe only their religion is going to heaven and everybody else is going to hell. Odds are you're lumped in with everybody else.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"Most" religions don't even believe in the concept of Hell. Christianity has around 2.38 billion followers. If half of them think you're going to hell, that's a mere 1.19 Billion.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Doesn't Islam have a concept of hell or am I mistaken?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I believe islam has more than one hell

by Anonymous 8 months ago

We've had first hell, yes, but what about second hell?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

We (muslims) have one hell with seven levels lol

by Anonymous 8 months ago

How exactly are we defining "Hell"? Buddhists believe in an afterlife where people are punished, but it's not eternal.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Hey! That could mean we are actually living in Temporary Buddhist Hell. I feel much better about everything!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Buddhists believe in reincarnation, not punishment in an afterlife. A person can be reincarnated as something less desirable, but it's not the same as being punished in hell.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Hell was an intervention of the middle ages and not part of Christianity prior to that

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Have you ever met Christians? Far, far from all of them believe that non-Christians go to Hell. Many don't even believe in Hell. Or they just don't know, and don't really care because they think what matters is being a good person. Which they understand you can be even if you're not Christian. Because that's not only obvious to you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Native: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Native: "Then why did you tell me?"

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Great point. There are definitely some religions that are less chill about ignorance.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What about the mentally handicapped? Are they predestined for hell if they can't comprehend God and salvation? At what IQ level does the free pass to heaven turn into guaranteed hell? What if you were just one IQ point off?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Your applying too much critical thinking. Please think less and it will all make more sense.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Babies are born guilty according to Christianity!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That is not universally true at all for Christianity.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I understand that the ones who believe in "the original sin" do

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Which isn't a majority of Christianity from what I am aware, but I may be wrong

by Anonymous 8 months ago

original sin is a dogma of the catholic church, which accounts for the majority of Christians

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Original Sin? I love that band!

by Anonymous 8 months ago


by Anonymous 8 months ago

The only Christians who believe babies are guilty are the ones who baptize at birth, which is only a handful of sects afaik

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So the babies that died from radiation during the Chernobyl disaster went to hell?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Straight to hell

by Anonymous 8 months ago

If straight — to hell, then gay — to paradise?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yes, but only because they died of radiation. If they died any other way they would have gone straight to heaven like most babies. Sad, but I don't write the rules 🤷‍♂️

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't believe so and I don't see anywhere in the Bible that says otherwise.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Thats what the catholics believe yes

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"-But he loves you" - George Carlin

by Anonymous 8 months ago


by Anonymous 8 months ago

so even the "believers" can't agree on their nonsense - I mean what does that say about the institution as a whole?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Scientists disagree on plenty of things. Historians disagree on plenty of things. Philosophers disagree on dang near everything. Does that make them all nonsense and say anything about them as whole institutions?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I wholeheartedly believe the person you're replying to probably dismisses all philosophy as nonsense too

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Isn't there the age of conscience (or something like that) where children before a certain age can't sin, even if they do stuff that's against the rules?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

One of the few things about the mormon church i can agree with is they dont baptize until 8 years old cuz they believe thats the age when a person is able to comprehend right and wrong. Babies arent born guilty to them.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

With catholics it's what the baptism is for babies that die before baptism go to hell

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I grew up in a hellfire n brimstone baptist church and that is not what they said. Which Christians are out here makin that claim?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Babies are born with the stain of original sin. They are not guilty of committing original sin

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yeah, there's no Christian version of Limbo. I grew up pretty strict Christian, and the infant issue wasn't really addressed. The best I got was a quasi-answer about being able to repent in hell if you never had the opportunity on earth..

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Fundamentalist upbringing here: I was always told that before a certain age, you don't know right from wrong and thus can't be held accountable for sin. Our tradition in particular was 12 years, because that was when Jesus started teaching in the Temple. So as of 12 years old, you could damn yourself.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No Protestant version of Limbo*.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What? Limbo is only a Christian concept.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Protestants have deluded themselves into thinking Catholics aren't actual Christians in the US

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What about purgatory?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Christian is like 5000 religions

by Anonymous 8 months ago

According to a very narrow interpretation of original sin. Reality is flawed and we all work off imperfect information. "Sin" is the consequence of that unchanging reality.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's a lie, don't talk about something you know nothing about.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I really think that if anyone believes in hell, and their god has any kind of ignorance clause, the way to preserve humanity is to eliminate that religion. No knowledge, no hell.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I asked my religion teacher once if lets say a 2 year old child living in some desolate mountain village who never heard of christianity died would she go to hell or heaven as she is not able to profess her faith in god as she never heared of him. My teacher said: yes she would go to hell, only people who profess their faith in god are sent to heaven

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I had an extremely religious teacher and we asked this same question and her answer was a resounding "no. God has common sense and would save her" Some people are just assholes

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That damns a large majority of people without a chance. About half of people who ever lived died before Jesus was born. Most of the rest didn't quickly hear about him, with some entire continents taking a millennium and a half. Most of those who did hear weren't in a position to study and understand.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well isn't God just a prick then, seeing as that's their fault in the first place?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Of course he is. God knows everything. Everybody is a child of god. God has a plan for all of us. Sinners? Go to hell

by Anonymous 8 months ago

only those born again into christ (christians) are children of god

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Thats even worse

by Anonymous 8 months ago

how so?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Lol that religion teacher is delusional.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Have you read the bible? Anyone who does and thinks it's about a fair and just god is delusional.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

We have different definitions of "fair" and "just"

by Anonymous 8 months ago

If you redefine the terms to mean "evil" and "malicious", then yes, he's fair and just. But by common usage he's not. For example, he has no concept of proportionate punishment.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I mean, those are the rules, she didn't make them

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Those are the rules according to the teacher. The teacher is an idiot. Not because you spend hours every day reading whatever sacred text it means you'll get it. Millions of fanatics across the world are demonstrating that point everyday. I've met loads of Christians who barely believe in life after death in the traditional way. They see it as medieval explanations that uneducated peasants would get. Then you have the people who believe in Heaven, but not in Hell. Then all the people who think that being a good person is what matters, not what religion you chose (if any). I mean have people never met Christians who have non-Christian friends? Do you think they actually believe their friends will spend eternity being tortured, but no big deal?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

As a Christian, I believe that everyone will have a chance to learn about and feel the reality and love of Jesus Christ and have the opportunity to accept or reject Him and His teachings—whether in this life or the next. I do not believe those that do not accept will be banned to a fiery, miserable hell. They just won't be as happy and blessed as they could have been.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No, those are the rules according to the Bible, the instruction manual for God.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

And would you like to point me to the verses that say such a thing?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Sure! They're in the Bible.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

As I said, would you like to point me to the verses?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Dude, they're right there in the Bible! I don't know what more you need from me Satan. Just look it up.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This is what got me when I was a child. I asked what about the people who have never heard of Christ and the answer I got was they were the children of Cain being punished for his wrong doing. Really?!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I remember being a kid asking a similar thing, but my response was instead: "but what if everyone killed themselves while they were still 'good'?" "No, you cant go to heaven if you kill yourself." "Oh... but what it like, a bad good-person killed everyone so that they died while still good?" "If you did that, you wouldnt go to heaven.." "No, not me, but like... Imagine if one good person decided to sacrifice themself and kill every person so that there would be no more suffering and all the other good people cant become bad. Like, the bad-good-person thinks 'why risk all the other people becoming bad and going to Hell, instead, I will sacrifice myself and suffer by myself." Naturally, I was ignored/dismissed.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

i don't think "eskimo" is the preferred nomenclature

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's part of the christian dogma that they need to spread their religion. By not telling somebody, they're risking their own souls.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Oh no........... anyway.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Hindus and Budests just think you are coming back as a bug.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Atheists too. Your body is made up of matter that is absorbed into the soil that eventually gets eaten by a bug and that matter is used to create their offspring

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Eh I don't think the actual amount of seriously religious people is *that* big. I wager that 90% of what we call "christians" only go as far as putting up a Christmas tree and maybe going to church once or twice a year. The amount of people actually dedicated to a religion is pretty low.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Maybe it's thinning out in more liberal parts than US, but I would say most Christians in the US over 40 believe in a literal hell. There's also a lot of Muslims and Catholics out there.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Catholics *are* Christians.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The terms Catholic and Protestant would have been more correct.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Most of the Christians I know don't think you have to be Christian to go to heaven

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Even though their divine rule book says that. Not surprising since most pick and choose which bits to believe and add bits that make them feel better.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That doesn't make sense. The road is narrow.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Imagine knowing or being known by that many people. Imagine them caring enough to be certain I'm going to hell. So sweet

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Those are secretly haters. Just live your freaking best life and let them 'caring'. It would be fun when haters actually went up in hell, just because they see you rather burn, than living your best life :)

by Anonymous 8 months ago

To be fair, there is a sizable population that think you'll be reborn as a cockroach.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That would be pretty awesome, not going to lie. Who knows, maybe we will.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's fortuitous that reality is not set by what people believe.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

in a lot of religions, it's considered blasphemy to tell someone they are going to hell.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's a few billion opinions that: 1. I don't have to care about 2. Don't have to respect 3. Don't have to change my life for.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Wow you're so cool

by Anonymous 8 months ago

They are

by Anonymous 8 months ago