+169 Facetime is Dumb, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

You ever text on your phone? Watch movies on your phone? Browse the internet on your phone? Why not just use your phone as, you know, a phone?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

None of those activities distract everyone around you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Movies don't, but facetime does? How does that work?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm sorry you have to look at the person I'm FaceTiming 🤣

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Same thing. If I take a video of my friend while talking to them, it is all the same actions as doing a video chat.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

You know the opinion is not unpopular and that's why you chose to make the title clickbait instead the actual opinion, right?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I ehat facetime

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I eLOV my mom

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Unpopular opinion: people live in the world and it makes me mad >:(

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Oh brother

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What a valid and enlightening rebuttal!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So someone talking on the phone is distracting vs two ppl talking in person isn't???

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Being distracted by FaceTime is weird and not normal

by Anonymous 8 months ago

If your distracted by somebody on facetime you got bigger issues

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Speakerphone is more annoying to me than FaceTime. If my in laws make a phone call, it's on speaker. When I worked in call centers my least favorite customers to deal with were the ones that kept their phone on speaker. Half the time I could hear other people's conversations better than the person I was trying to talk to. Also most popular phones haven't even had a headphone jack for like, 5 years now. Acceptable-quality wireless earbuds are pretty cheap, though.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

You must be really ugly if you don't like facetime

by Anonymous 8 months ago

If they dont like the noise they can just walk away

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I agree with this. I never use FaceTime. I thing it's stupid

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think the better title would be "People Need To Be More Discrete With Their Phone Usage In Public", since thats the general sentiment i'm getting here. Agree 100% though. Feels like every time I go into the city anymore I spot at least one person doing this.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Ok grandma, let's get you home

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's more a thing with younger people. I'm 43 and still quite tech savvy, but I dislike FaceTime calling. I just call. That's enough. But my 9y old son uses FaceTime as standard.

by Anonymous 8 months ago