+179 Males sexually assaulting females also seriously harms other males, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Sexual assault is not the primary reason most women are going to say no to random sex with some random dude who approached her.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

LMAO seriously. I wonder if this guy has ever met a woman before?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Extremely doubtful

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Just not wanting to be with random guy is probably a more reasonable explanation. A lot of women don't like cold approaches from strangers.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yeah lol, they're forgetting the whole pregnancy thing. Men can just smash and dash, women not so much.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Pregnancy, not wanting to risk STDs, not wanting casual sex, not wanting to go to some guy's house who could live far away, not wanting to bring a stranger into their house, being with friends that you don't wanna ditch to go sleep with a random dude, not being attracted to them, etc. Literally a million other reasons someone might not wanna sleep with a random dude lol

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>Imagine a female goes up to a straight male in a social setting, gets to know them for a few minutes, and asks to have sex with them. If that male isn't in a monogamous relationship, there's a good chance he'll say yes. Only if the guy is desperate, anyone with any amount of self-respect wouldn't go for sex after a few minutes of chatting

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Ya I would be creeped tf out. That's not a normal thing to do

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"MEN! If you sexually assault a woman then you are making it harder for all future men to have sex with that woman!!! yeah and it sucks for the woman too" What?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Nobody cares that you want to have sex. You're not special. Pursue higher goals.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"Men are the real victims of sexual assault!" -OP

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"Yeah it sucks that women are assaulted, but have you considered it makes women not want to have sex with some random guy?"

by Anonymous 8 months ago