+167 it's stupid to name your kids after something important to you. amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I like muffins and diving. Why shouldn't my child's middle name be muffdiver?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Aurelius Muffdiver Longjohnson

by Anonymous 8 months ago

That's a lot to swallow.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm getting some real streetlamp lemoose flashes.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Even if you name your child after a person or a place that you love and that relationship deteriorates, that shouldn't change your relationship with your child. We named our kids after people we loved and they know we loved them. Does that mean they have to live up to their namesake? No! They are individuals who will live up to their own version.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Me and Metallica jr. are INSULTED BY THIS. How dare you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So what's your name?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yeah lol, I'm curious.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Unless your name's Adolf, you're overthinking it.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Adolfo is a popular Hispanic name iv heard.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Adolf is a good name. We need to reclaim it!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>what if you have a major falling out with the best friend you named them after? Is this not why we have adoption agencies?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm going to name my kids Phoenix Wright, Bababooey, and Saul Goodman, thanks OP

by Anonymous 8 months ago

One of these is not like the others

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Or even naming them after yourself I think that's incredibly weird

by Anonymous 8 months ago

My dad's aunt and uncle named their boy and girl the same names as them ie "Susan and Joe" names their kids "Susan and Joe". My dad mentions it every Christmas.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Oh that is hilarious

by Anonymous 8 months ago

At least they shared the kids. My sisters husband legit had two kids with two different women and demanded that each were named after him. So he got Alexandra and Alejandro (Spanish version of Alexander) I know he demanded it because my sis desperately wanted to call the kid something else but he legit cried over not having his SON named after him.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I hope he cries harder when she leaves him.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I would have made him sob harder by not doing it

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Bro idk why she caved, she and him had agreed to another name, and she was so happy. (Augustine) The suddenly he legit cried and begged her to change the name. He also begged and cried for my sis to change her last name to his before they got married. (She was going to do it anyways, so who knows why he cried) His thing is just to cry over things. He cried when he found out I was a SAHM, because he wanted to be able to give my sister that but he couldn't. He cried when he found out my husband made more money than him. He works a trade, and he didn't think it's fair that someone like that makes more money than a manager. The only reason I know he cries is because my sis tells me because she thinks it's romantic.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

i met a girl who's name was a hybrid of her parents name and it was a cool and very unique name on the other hand imagine naming your son John, after your husband John, and now you cant say your husbands name during sex anymore bc thats also ur sons name - i think about this every time i meet a "jr"

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I wouldn't actually do it. I just think it would be so hilarious to name her after me and put "the second" after the name. I already picked out my child's name though.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

it's stupid to care what anyone else does that does not affect you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So if someone is beating up their kid/spouse, it should be ignored because it doesn't affect you?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

One of those things is not like the other ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This is why first names should be replaced by randomly-assigned numbers from the government.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I agree to a certain extent. No baby should be called Khaleesi, Marxlenin (trust me, I know a girl with that name) or Kal-El, but hey, if it's after an important actual person in your life, why not?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I spent a bit of time in rural Fiji, and there as a lady who I could have sworn said her name was Khaleesi. There wasn't a TV in the village and barely any electricity and this was like 10 years ago. I didn't know enough Fijian to ask her at a later date, but maybe there's a Fijian name that just sounds the same.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

If any of what you said effeycts the way you feel about your kid then you never loved the kid in the first place.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Parents need to think about if they had the name they wanted to name their kid. Would they get mad fun of. I have a friend who named his kid Eddard after Ned Stark. Yes, all they do is call him Ned.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think your looking too deep into it. Bad parents will put pressure on their kids and good ones will not. The name doesn't really matter

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What unnecessary pressure are you talking about??

by Anonymous 8 months ago

.... so how SHOULD you just a kid's name? Pull it out of a hat?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

i personally think you should choose names based on what sounds the best and fits culturally. an alternative to legacy naming is to choose names with meanings that represent the thing you want to name them after, rather than just… blatantly naming them after the thing. i.e. choosing a name with the meaning "love" or "beautiful" or whatever trait you want to associate it with, rather than the actual namesake.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

So it IS ok to name your kids after something that's important to you as long as you make it a little less obvious? Your reasoning doesn't seem very consistent to me.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's because the alternative is what the other guy said. The alternative is throwing a bunch of names in a hat and grabbing one. Everything else is necessarily based on something you find important or valuable. You literally can't escape it. Even if it "just" sounds nice TO YOU that's a value judgement.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

How does a name add pressure? Can you explain it to every one please? Because names don't add pressure

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Wouldn't naming your kids immediately become something important to you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

What do you propose as an alternative? Giving my children meaningless names?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think as long as the thing that's important to you also functions as a normal name, it's not an issue. I don't think it matters where people get their baby name inspiration, as long as the name isn't something utterly ridiculous that the child would be bullied for. I love iced coffee but I'm not going to name my child Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew. I also love the book East of Eden and really like the names of two main characters, Caleb and Cyrus. So I would definitely consider naming a child after those characters. Not for the child to live up to the characters, but because I simply like the names and they're normal names. And even if one's relationship with the name changed, it's not like the parents would suddenly feel differently about their child? That's sort of silly.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Damn, little Xbox x series isn't gonna like this.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Good point. Let's name out kids after something we hate instead.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

and why do you care again? seriously how does it affect you?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Why is it stupid? If it's important wouldn't that make the name feel important? Name your children whatever you want but maybe reassess your judgement in criticizing other's name choices. Alternatively, if you're saying you don't like your own name, you know you can legally change that right?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yeah, no. It should be within reason. Naming your kid Magnolia because you like the flower? Cool. You do you. Naming your kid Weißwurst mit Händlmaier Senf because you like the food? No. Shame on you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I certainly wouldn't name my child either of those names myself. If I'm ever fortunate enough to have my own children, I'll keep it simple myself. Understanding that kids like it 'simple'. But I'm not going to judge a child for their parent's own lack of taste in naming them.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Honestly I never had a problem being named after my great grandmother until my grandmother made it a problem. Was my great grandmother a good person? The stories I've heard about her make me say absolutely not. Do I care that my mom named me after someone she liked? Also no.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I named my son after something important to me but made it his middle name so he could choose to use it or not. He loves the name, btw.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'll be naming my son LeadingAD9763

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Don't talk back to me, *TotinosPizzaRolls*! Totino's Pizza Rolls have never disappointed me as much as you have today! Go to your room!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Our kids are named after my husband and I's lifelong interests: astronomy and ancient history. It's weird, but who cares. They ain't your kids.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Now I'm curious. Because those sound like they're probably rad names.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'm unsure if anyone has said this yet, but the best advice I've read was to use the name at some place like Starbucks and see how it feels to have that name yelled out in public.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

And follow that by telling several people the name and asking them to spell it, then see how quickly you get tired of correcting them.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I had a similar approach: stand on the porch and yell it like you're calling them to dinner. But I've never been much for Starbucks and live in the boonies🤣

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I've always advised my friends who are having children to ask a class of 5th or 6th graders to Make Fun Of This Name- and if they can't come up with anything too awful, you're probably good.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Hard disagree, and my son Bourbon is with me on this

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Trick: only name them after dead people! Relationship can't change with a dead person. Definitely no baggage there!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Kids literally are a manifestation of your love, like technically.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This is such an online take🤣

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't plan on having any children, but in case some of yours are going to be in school with a certain "Meteor B. Dragon", you know whose fault that is.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I'll name my kid after my late cat (reasonable enough name - Artemis). The only thing the kid will have to live up to is pissing on people who hurt me.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

My grandpa was married 3 times. I was named after his second wife. As far as I know they weren't together when I was born but I guess my mom felt she was the woman who raised her. The alternative was being named after a soap opera character. So basically I couldn't agree more. Also naming kids based off of a nickname you plan for them is dumb because it turns out kids are people and can decide they hate the shortened form of their name.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

well if i dont name them something thats important to me, how will i remember their name?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

My son ***Boobies*** is very happy and popular in his school.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Ima name my kid after something I hate, then tell them about it every day.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I like big boobies goth mommies who are 6 4 and can dominate me, but you're saying that's not a good name??

by Anonymous 8 months ago

My son Front Left Burner disagrees with you.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I think that can depend if it's a "family" name/a really sentimental name. My grandpa has the long version of a name, so the short version is my dads middle name. Think Grandpa Nathanial, then my dad is Jacob Nate. Then my name is the feminized version of my dads middle name, so in this example it'd be Natalia. Then let's also say the doctor that helped bring me into this world (surrogate baby things) was a Nathan, so I'm also sort of half named after him. And then my middle name is a different version of my surrogate moms name (lets say her name is Deane, and my middle is Diana). So I have a unique name that's not specifically an exact copy of anyone's name, but there's a LOT of sentimental and important people to my parents that went into my name.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

My son Super Smash Brothers Melee would strongly disagree, he likes his name very much.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I used to work at a dog boarding facility and one of the parents had a (human) girl named after the city the conceived her in… I would have preferred to not know that, of course I was told though!🤢

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Ok Ping Pong

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Honestly the more I hear from parents about why they had kids, what they expect from their kids, and their own ability to raise them/support them financially and emotionally/how important is is to them that the kids are properly educated, ect the more I realize how selfish most parents or would be parents are. I'm not saying there's no one ever that wanted a kid and just wanted to see them be happy in life. But so many people are popping out kids for reasons that range from "I didn't care enough to either be on b.c. or use a condom, oops", "I don't believe in abortion but accidentally got pregnant so I'm having this kid even tho I'm 15/can't afford one/don't want one", "I want a baby it's always been my dream so I don't care if the partner I chose is unstable/won't be part of the kid's life/won't help support them", "need to do it now while I'm young cuz it's been drilled into my head that I need to make this decision ASAP" . Having a child you want and intend on loving is all well and good. But if you can't even take care of or financially support yourself you should absolutely feel ashamed for *trying* to have one on purpose, and consider ways of not doing it on accident.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's why I don't want to make my child after my dead mother.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

me and two of my brothers are named after football players, my other brothers a jr 😭 its kinda tacky ngl. esp bc i dont REALLY care about football, i only care a little bit bc i care abt one of my brothers and it makes him happy. my other brother whos named after a player doesnt care at ALL

by Anonymous 8 months ago

All of my children's middle names have special meaning to me. One has my cousins name as her middle because the only reason she is alive; is BECAUSE of my cousin. One has my husband's name as his middle. One has my brothers name as his middle. One had my favorite stone/business as her middle name. Names SHOULD be important. They are the term use for the world to be able to interact with them.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Eh, I dunno. I think this is solely dependent on what the name actually is and how you treat your kid. I don't see an issue with naming your kid with personal intention, as long as it's not something ridiculous like "Daenerys" because you like Game of Thrones. Naming your kid after characters like that should be illegal, lmao. I always find it odd when people name their kids after fandoms. I'm not a big fan of "family names" that run in the family either. I think it's a bit obnoxious to have 12 Johns with the same last name spanning over several decades. I can't imagine how parents aren't bored of the name by the time they decide to continue the tradition. My middle name is a result of this and I'm very happy it's not my first like the rest of my family members that share it. Being named after someone or something important to your parents is kind of nice, though. You were an important thing that needed a name so they selected that one for you with care. As long as it's not the same name that's been in the family for the last century, or something that's hardly a name. And of course if you're naming your kids something like "Lebron" because you like basketball and want him to play it too, that's kind of a weird reasoning & standard to have. Sometimes people clearly have an idea about how their child is going to be before they are, and that can cause issues. But being called something like Jewel for a reason like your dad being a geologist is cool, imo.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I agree, I couldn't possibly give my children stripper names.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I used Vaughan because the song Little Wing is one of my faves. I dk how I could regret liking a song but the kid is biologically half the other person with or without a name connected to them. If the relationship disintegrates it doesn't matter much because you'll see their eyes or their nose or their hair or whatever combo they got from the other person, it's pretty likely they'll remind you and tie you to that other person for the rest of your life. You live. It's definitely not the difficult part and if it is, you're very lucky. Names can also be changed. What's really weird is naming every dude the same name generation to generation to generation so nobody ever knows who the hell you're talking about and you have to give people weird nicknames like little John and big John even though little John is 46 and now his son John baby John is 22 but you still gotta call him baby John cause his dads little John and… come on there's so many names out there, this is just annoying and weird for everyone.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I couldn't decide on a name for my son and couldn't think of any names that really stood out to me. We ended up agreeing on a name and it's been almost 4 years and tbh I don't really like his name anymore lol I wish I named him something different with a more personal meaning 😅

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Written by someone with an anime name. Or a Khaleesi.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Failed Abortion Smith

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Aslong as it's a normal name I think it's fine, I had a lot of good memories at Joshua Tree National Park so my leading name for a boy would be Joshua. I think that's perfectly okay. The way I see it is your relationship with your child and associating the name with them will completely overshadow the names orgins. This way the pressure is alleviated and you're not binding the two things in an unhealthy way. I'm leaning towards adoption anyway but that's my two cents.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

My kid has a normal name… So I was thinking what would I call him if It was something I love. I guess that would have to be Tacos. Then I remembered I used to work with a guy named taco, I think he was a criminal though. So probably a made up name. But still!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I will name my child Hank after Hank J Wimbleton of Madness Combat

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>what if you have a major falling out with the best friend you named them after. That's the equivalent of disliking anyone called Sarah because you had a falling out with your friend Sarah.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Don't do that. I got bullied all the time for Cosmo as middle name

by Anonymous 8 months ago

All those poor girls that were born during the first few Game of Thrones seasons and parents decided it was a good idea to name them Khaleesi…

by Anonymous 8 months ago