+158 Every competition would be better with set of matches for the final, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I ain't crazy about sports but I do favor single match tournaments. Unpredictable things happen more often.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't mind the tournament itself being single match(I prefer multiple but that's way impractical for some) but the final should be multiple Not just sports either but any competition this holds true

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The Super Bowl (One Game) is more exciting. The Stanley Cup Finals (Between 4 and 7 Games) is more engaging.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>Having just a single game to determine the championship is a terrible way to do it, and does not by any stretch of the imagination determine the better team. It does if you define the better team as the one who beat the other.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Well then you just have a terrible definition. I can and have beaten multiple people in things they were far better than me in, it gets less common the more competitive you get but it's always a possibility.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Why do you say that they are better than you? What have they done to make you believe that?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

They win consistently. My favorite example, though not a perfect example, was back in High School, I was fast but not much else, and playing kickball, they went to tag me with a ball but choked and missed. Mistakes happen. Sometimes it's choking, sometimes it's reading your opponent wrong. That's why multiple games are better, looking for consistency over a single win.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Consistent wins is what the whole season is about - then you get into playoffs - then you get to the championship. The better team for that season is one who won the Superbowl. The better team for the whole decade is the team who won the most Superbowls. The better team chokes the least and reads their opponent correctly more often.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The thing is, sports tournaments are not *really* about the better team. It's about spectacle. Most people who watch them are not crazy sports fans, specially the big tournaments, such as the World Cup or Super Bowl. They don't care about who's technically the be at. They care about the drama and the unpredictability and the narrative. Most sports competitions wouldn't survive if they were about technical quality alone.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's the sets leading up to the final game. It's how brackets work

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Which don't do anything to change that a single game between the final teams doesn't determine the better team.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yes it does that's the entire point of how bracketed competitions are set up

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Except it doesn't. A single game is a terrible way to determine the better team.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's not a single game brud. The teams could have already played one another earlier in the season

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Scoreboard doesn't lie 🤷‍♂️

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Scoreboard doesn't determine the better player. A team can absolutely get lucky and beat a better team but it doesn't make them better.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Man if only there was some way to put two teams up against each other in some kind of competition to see which one is better

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Yes. Like a series.

by Anonymous 8 months ago