+151 People don't fully mature at 25 or 18…, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Idk why so many people take these types of numbers so literally. These are averages, not hard coded dates in our dna.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No one does unless it concerns the law because we have to draw the line somewhere. Other than that when people say "you don't finish maturing till 25" it's commonly accepted by everyone that what they really said was "you're likely not done growing up until around 25 years old give or take a few"

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Saying no one does is completely inaccurate. I've seen this argument made several times. However I do agree their should be soft line/adjusted consequences as you age

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Exactly and not everyone matures to the same level. Some are just going to be more mature their entire lives. And some are just going to be less mature their entire lives. It just depends. As to being fully developed your right these numbers are no the be all, end all

by Anonymous 8 months ago

The 25 thing is a myth. Partly because of public misconceptions, partly because of the available scans. As the tech becomes cheaper and more widely used, we have millions more brain scans. They've seen changes in the brain up til 90 years of age! We might never have a clear answer to when someone becomes Adult, but we can pick an age where we hold them responsible for what they do and should be treated like an adult. I'd put that at 1-2 years after they're in the workforce. Just for the life experiences.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I agree with some of your points. However the 25 thing is not a myth it's a misconception like you said. The prefrontal cortex of the brain that processes decision making, impulse control, the reward center, planning, processing, etc. fully develops at 25. There can be changes in the brain for your whole life though. You gain memories, you learn things, etc. Your prefrontal cortex may develop but that doesn't mean it can't keep working!

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Do me a favor and type in "the myth the brain matures when you're 25" into your search engine.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>fully develops at 25. So you turn 25 and your brains status bar goes from 0 to 100%?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

No just the prefrontal cortex and it goes from 0 to 10 to 20 and so on till 25. The prefrontal cortex is not everything when it comes to being an adult. It's a big part sure. But specifically the prefrontal cortex is developed at 25. I'm just going based on the research I'm not pulling anything out of my ass idk why people seem to think that when you can do a quick search on this

by Anonymous 8 months ago

There's also limited (at best) data to show that these brain developments have anything whatsoever to do with maturity.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

They don't have to do with maturity fully. That would be the entire frontal lobe which develops at 30. The prefrontal cortex is a big culprit. That is literally a proven fact I don't know what you're talking about limited data. That's like saying the hippocampus doesn't process memories.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

"You know, you're really mature for your age." - OP maybe

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Hell no. The fact that this is the first thing that comes to your mind says more about you than me. I'm talking about things like legal drinking age, legal age for adult criminal punishment, legal age for buying a gun, when your expected to work, societies expectations, etc.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Defensive are we It's jokes

by Anonymous 8 months ago

How am I supposed to tell your joking through a screen with no cues in your writing. Also I was just explaining to you what I was talking about

by Anonymous 8 months ago

>How am I supposed to tell your joking through a screen with no cues in your writing. Oh that's easy. Just be mature.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

He would be if he was over 25

by Anonymous 8 months ago

You will or you won't, I'm happy with either.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't think anyone at all was drawing a hard line like you think lol

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's wildly ironic of OP to make everything seem cut and dry/black and white while arguing why you shouldn't view things that way lmao

by Anonymous 8 months ago

How am I making it seem black and white if I think there should be a soft line not a hard line. I don't think you know what black and white means

by Anonymous 8 months ago

some people never do tbh.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

It's still edgelord "Human suck LOL that's my personality" nonsense.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I don't think anyone really disagrees with this in general... is your beef with the legal definition of adulthood?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I would say the lack of human self awareness. And community awareness.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I would say Age is just a number, but that rhetoric has a very bad reputation attached to it given the type of people who typically use it lol. I think the best way to say it is that although we do need legal limits and 18 is a pretty good benchmark for that, the rhetoric that people mature at a certain age is wrong. I've known some people pushing in their 50s who still have tantrums that would make caillou proud.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This is totally true. And lol that saying definitley gets a lot of hate because of how it's used but it's true. In my opinion since I live in the U.S. I believe you should be considered an adult at 19 or 20 also since were already talking about this, to have consent I believe it should be 18 or 19 since people are out of highschool by that age. Trying to put that out of the way so people don't take this the wrong way😂

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Age does not equal maturity at all.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This isn't an opinion lol

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Lolll you'd be surprised

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I feel like I didn't mature until 35-36

by Anonymous 8 months ago