+174 The idea of a "chefs piece" is stupid, amirite?

by Anonymous 8 months ago

Sounds like you burnt it and then served it.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

This seems hyper specific and I'm not sure many people, outside of your experience, would claim to even know anyone that thinks they are entitled to a better piece than the chef. The only argument I can fathom against this is more about whether the host should give up the best piece of food for one of their guests. If the host is also the chef, how does that impact this scenario. On the one hand, it is proper for a host to offer their guests the absolute best they have to offer. On the other hand, they slaved away to make food for everyone and deserve the best piece available.

by Anonymous 8 months ago

I would think that the chef should bite the bullet in that situation

by Anonymous 8 months ago