+146 We're nice to old people who are moving slow but only if they're walking... not if they're driving slow, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I don't think people are mad at them because they are *old* and driving slow, people are mad at *anyone* for driving too slow.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Or needing 18 car lengths before feeling safe enough to pull out onto the street. Living in an apartment I deal with this daily.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

"Go. Go. Go. You can still go before that car gets here. You can still go. You can still go. You still have time. You can still go. Go. Go. Okay *now* the car is too close…" - My inner monologue while stuck behind someone who apparently has no depth perception or spatial awareness

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Haha that's so accurate

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I hear you, but the rapid acceleration of electric vehicles has been a bit of a game changer for me, requiring me to recalibrate. I've had Teslas close the gap much faster than I've been used to - and then had an irate Tesla driver to deal with.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If they can press the gas pedal a little bit, they can press it a lot

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because walking slowly is not dangerous whereas driving slower than the flow of traffic IS dangerous. Many older people should not be driving, especially if they aren't confident that they can match the flow of traffic and purposely drive more slowly to be "safe."

by Anonymous 7 months ago

With the amount of bad elderly drivers I witness on a daily basis, my belief that the eldery need to re-take their driver's test every whatever amount of years only grows stronger and stronger.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I agree, but then there's also a reason everyone is so damn hesitant to take Grandma's keys away. Not having the ability to drive a car in the US especially means for a *massive* loss of freedom and quality of life that many find to be way too cruel to even consider until it's made clear to them there's no other choice. Until we finally see the political will manifest for a way overdue rethinking of mass car dominance in our transportation system that leads to alternatives to driving being more widely accessible and desirable, we're all gonna keep being forced onto roads with a bunch of often times equally forced incompetent or otherwise unfit drivers I'm afraid

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I will never forget the time we tricked my dementia grandma into staying with us and took her keys away. It was a trial run, because we didn't have the room for her (she was literally in my bed and I slept on a mat in the closet Harry Potter style; pretty fun actually). But she kept yelling about us kidnapping her. How we were rude and disrespectful and holding her against her will. We eventually had to let her go back to her house, a whole state away, where she shortly passed away alone due to her ac quitting in the middle of a drought summer. My dad still beats himself up over not figuring out a way to keep her around us.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Every 5 years over the age of retirement, or after the diagnosis of a degenerative condition, should be mandatory. Maybe every year in the latter in certain cases. There are people that should have never *gotten* their licenses, let alone kept them as long as they have.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This. If you are causing danger on the road you should not be driving. When I was a kid I just outright refused to get a lift with certain older family members because they an absolute danger on the road. As you are your reflexes naturally go. You should not be driving a car when you're 98.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

My grandad had a neck brace and had no neck mobility as a result so he couldn't turn his head. He was still allowed to drive though…

by Anonymous 7 months ago

"The best way to drive is - predictable"

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Which is also why we NEED public transportation. A lot of them don't have a choice especially in Car-center country like the USA.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Not driving just isn't feasible for most people in the US, so there's no point in talking about who should or should not be driving.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The cars just need to drive themselves already. Can't be worse than Grandma on the road.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

or a car full of 17 year olds

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Seems like broken logic to think that going fast is safer than going slow. You're saying that people who can't keep up need to get out of the way, or they are the dangerous ones. Nevermind the dangers of not having access to a personal vehicle, and perhaps having to rely on an underdeveloped public transport system. Nevermind that people need to participate in society in order to survive, and you're adding another layer of exclusivity to that.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yes. If every car on the road is going 20 MPH (I'm American and can't convert things to KPH) faster than you and you aren't able to speed up to what is a normal highway speed because you are physically incapable of doing so safely, you are absolutely dangerous to yourself and everyone else on the road. Broken logic is thinking the opposite of that.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

In certain circumstances, going slower is more dangerous. That's just reality (e.g merging onto a motorway without matching the speed of traffic flow). If you can't drive safely, you shouldn't drive.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Driving slow puts others at risk. Walking slow does not.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I've actually heard expressed (and felt) annoyance at people slowly moving down the grocery aisle. Usually, I cope.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If they stick to the right lane (not all do, but a large portion do) on the highway no one is at risk if they're paying attention. The bigger concern is when they drive in the left lane or in between lanes.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This isn't true, simply from a stats perspective. Just because they shouldn't be a danger, doesn't mean they aren't.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

No. If slow traffic sticks to the right they are not the danger. Assholes who think they can do whatever they want are. The highway where I live says speed limit 65 and speed minimum 40. You can't blame the old people chugging along at 50 in the right hand lane for some aggressive asshole riding their ass and try to weave through traffic causing a wreck.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It's usually semi-trucks that have to pass these slow drivers, and then the semis move slower than the flow of traffic too but have to now merge into left lanes to pass the even slower people. This is still dangerous and slows down everybody on the road.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I have often driven mile after mile behind a semi-truck in the left lane "overtaking" a semi-truck in the right lane by 0.5 MPH. Maybe ban semi-trucks from passing too? /s

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I feel like you think this is winning argument to make sarcastically, but I think most people would agree semi's taking up every lane on a highway is a problem, and would probably support not allowing them to pass in the left-most lane.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Some highways explicitly ban semis from driving in the left lane for this exact reason. They're still allowed to pass, but it has to be done in the right two lanes so as not to impede the flow of passenger and emergency vehicles.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Nah if you physically can not do the speed limit because of health issues or whatever then you do not deserve to drive a car.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Except the right lane is also the merging lane for oncoming traffic. If someone's driving slow in that lane they are creating a hazard for people entering the highway.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I'm fine with people moving slow, as long as they don't hold other people up. Like if you don't want to do 50+mph, that's fine, but don't drive on a 65+ highway. If it's a one lane road and you're building up traffic behind you, pull off and let it by.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If there's one person riding your ass, its likely they're just a dick. If there's a line of people riding your ass, the problem might just be you.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Why does nobody blame the speed limit in this situation. Picture this. The situation is a one lane road with a 45 mph speed limit. I am driving 45mph. Traffic is backing up behind me. Who is in the wrong here.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You. Because you're impeding the flow of traffic. You're making the road more dangerous. There are multiple studies that show this.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I can assure you not everyone is nice to old people that are walking slowly.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yeah, I'm not. Get out of my way old people

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Move it or lose it sister!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

When walking you need your body to work right which old people's dont a lot of the time. While driving all you need to do is move that big toe just little further. Come on, you can do it you old bag.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Exactly, and if the argument is that they drive slower because they have slower reaction times, or can't see so well, then they shouldn't be driving in the first place.

by Anonymous 7 months ago


by Anonymous 7 months ago

I am never nice to old people.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

What are they gonna do, dance on my grave?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Not if I dance on theirs first!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Pretty sure I heard once that in general, people are meaner to people who are behind the wheel because you can't see their face while they're driving or something, making you less empathetic towards them.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

When I'm having an internal road rage episode in my head at some dumbass who can't drive, I always feel legit bad once I see their face lol. I much prefer the *concept* of a driver.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because driving slow is just a symptom of the fact that they're no longer capable of driving *safely*. If they're incapable of driving at the appropriate speed it's because they lack the reaction speed to do so. If they lack the reaction speed to do so, they're not safe to be on the road around other drivers who aren't likewise impaired. None of this is true of someone simply walking slowly.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Thank you. Operating a two ton death machine shouldn't be done when all your own cylinders aren't firing.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Love this analogy lmao

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Walking slow is a physical limitation, driving slow isn't…

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Exactly like others said, if you can't drive a car, you shouldn't have a license. I assume you are driving slow because you cannot drive or see and are endangering lives.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The car can go faster. The person can't. There's a difference.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Well you're in a thing that makes you faster

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Bcauae often its much easier to get past a slow walker than a slow driver especially on a single lane road.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I try to be nice to people who don't increase my chances of being paralyzed or killed.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I have issues with people driving slow because they are causing higher risks of accidents by being the cause of numerous overtakings. Going 90 kmh on a highway should be illegal. If you don't like driving near the maximum allowed speed, go on a slower road. Or don't drive.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

In the UK, driving at 90kmh is too fast for certain A roads which often have a 80kmh/50mph limit. This is just under the national speed limit of 96kmh/60mph. If you are on a motorway or dual carriageway then (depending on what you are driving) the speed limit is 112kmh/70mph.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I did say highway

by Anonymous 7 months ago

In UK law, all roads are highways, as opposed to footways for pedestrians. So that small single lane road in the country? that's a highway, the M25? That's a highway.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If someone is causing an accident by overtaking, it's their fault, because they did not overtake properly. Knowing how to overtake properly is a basics of driving. Slow people are annoying, because they force you to do maneuvers to go around them. But they're not the ones causing accidents, even though it is correct that accidents will be more frequent around someone driving slow.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Not even if theyre walking because usually they take up as much space as they possibly can. But I'll tolerate it

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Or using the self-scan slow, or learning technology slow, or using the restroom slow...

by Anonymous 7 months ago

So the other day I was coming home from work wife called and said she didn't feel like cooking and asked me to pick up some taco bell. So I pull in and go in to order because 1 I need to pee and 2 my drivers side window currently doesn't work and I do t want to go through the drive thru holding my door open. So I go in and order on the big tablet things they have now. Well apparently a car died in the drive thru so everyone had to come in to order just after I did. Well I had 5 people/couples coming and order after me all of them complained about the tablet. Literally it big letters it says touch to start order" then all you have to do is decide do I want tacos, burritos or other. Everyone of them couldn't figure this out. It's not that hard people it just a larger version of the phone in your hand.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

And we're nice to old cars driving slow like VW buses and anything made by BMW in the past 50 years.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

We can't really see who's driving

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Look dudes, they can drive as sloooow as they want... In ---------------------------> THAT LANE, THOUGH, DAMMIT

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because you can't control your walking speed if you're old, but all you need to do is put your foot down when you drive

by Anonymous 7 months ago

i can walk past them when they walk slow. cant always do that when driving

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Just wait until you come across one of the few oldsters who still drive like everything's a stock car race. 😳

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Cause you can't crash and kill someone else walking at a snails pace.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because walking slowly is inevitable for elderly people, driving slowly is a choice...

by Anonymous 7 months ago

To be honest I'm not even nice when they're walking slow..

by Anonymous 7 months ago

There are not immediate lives on the line when walking. Not a hard difference to distinguish

by Anonymous 7 months ago

There are very few walking situations where you are stuck behind a slow pedestrian for many minutes over a great distance. Often you are stuck behind a slow moving vehicle with no safe or legal way to go around them. Vehicles all have the same capability to move at the allowed speed limit and should be doing so if the environment conditions allow it. If someone is unable to operate their vehicle safely in that way, they should consider no longer driving.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Probably because it doesn't take much more physical effort to press the pedal harder, but takes a lot of effort to walk faster.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because driving slow is dangerous, and borders on illegal in terms of road rules. 🙄

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Slow moving pedestrians are satisfying speed bumps.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

because most old people shouldn't drive

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Old people have been driving for multiple times more years than younger people. You'd think with all that experience that they'd be better drivers, not completely clueless to the laws of the road and oblivious to traffic around them. That's the problem. It's like playing a video game with someone who's been playing it for 10 years longer than you. They should be the expert in any scenario.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yeah totally not because they have a slower reaction time and see less as they get older if they are developing cataracts and car crashes are more fatal for them so they decide to drive slower or put themselves at greater risk. Granted, some shouldn't drive if it comes to slower reaction time and worse sight. But some don't have a choice. Hell no video games cannot be compared to this. You're operating heavy machinery IN REAL LIFE on the road with other ppl with REAL LIVES. You try having the same "gamer" reflexes when you're 70+. The fact that you actually said that though…. TOUCH. GRASS.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I hate old people in general."you'll be lucky if your old" ok and

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I'm not nice to old people.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Bruh they old their car is probably fine, its not like the car is gonna fall over and lose a hip

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I cannot stress this enough: after 70 years old, you should be required to take a driving test every 3 years. So many old people deteriorating down the road with a migration of cars behind them so long you'd mistake it for the line at Whataburger.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Speak for yourself. Move it or lose it, sister

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Cars don't get arthritis

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Theres no speed limit on legs and sometimes walking hurts. But driving the speed limit isn't hurting your wheels. Plus you don't need a licence to walk but if you're driving is that bad maybe it's time to hand in the driving licence.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Walking is a right. Driving is a privilege.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Also: old people have to walk slow, it's the most they can do. They can def drive faster though!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I'm not. I just walk passed them

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If they back up traffic by miles for going 20 under I don't care what age you are. (Unless you're a literal child)

by Anonymous 7 months ago

not exactly true. I can help an elderly individual who is walking slow across the street. I can't jump out of my car and move an elderly person going 5 under the speed limit in the passing lane on the highway. All I can do is get frustrated

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I'm nice to them! I politely lay on the horn, give my middle finger, and yell some words of encouragement "learn to drive, grandma/grandpa!"

by Anonymous 7 months ago

walking around is easy,cant always drive around.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

There is no good way to take away a license because of age. Just hope the accident is minor. Seniors are afraid of no mobility after the car is gone.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Oh I'm not nice if they're driving slow…I have a cow catcher on my truck and I lightly tap them if they aren't going the speed limit.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Walking slowly isn't dangerous, driving slowly is

by Anonymous 7 months ago

it may not be PC but...it scares me how many old folk shuffle to their car just to drive off. Like...i get it, maybe your left foot is out of action... or something. But we expect you to be able to avoid car crashes and such...how the heck are you gonna have the ability to avoid crashing into things if you can barely walk... we're in a unique position where we've, over the past 100 years, tailored our society to require a car to use correctly while letting old folks drive until they can't (by means of legal or moral intervention)

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You can be slow in the right lane.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because everyone is on a level playing field when in a car, everyone can go 80, but not everyone can walk fast.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If they would just drive a little bit faster than they walk.....

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If I'm stuck walking behind an old person that I can't get around, I definitely get impatient, especially if I'm in a hurry for some reason. Same thing while driving, except driving of course is worse.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Sike! (Psych?)! I'm never nice to old people. BEEP BEEP GRANNY.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I am not nice to old people walking slow

by Anonymous 7 months ago

We're nice to everyone walking but not driving.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Drive slow all day. Just do it in the slow lane!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

That's because walking is difficult and potentially painful for an old person. They should be able to drive at any speed, but they don't, because their brain doesn't work good anymore, to the point where they should be considering losing the car

by Anonymous 7 months ago

We can't tell until we pass them. Then we feel bad.

by Anonymous 7 months ago