+222 People tend to respect their job more than their spouse, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Complaining all the time about someone is not a sign of respect.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It's a hell of a lot easier to lose your job than it is to lose your spouse.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Observation of the day right here.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

My spouse and I are a team, we discuss things and are there for each other through the thick and thin. She isn't going to leave me due to lack of performance.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Haha… I wouldn't test that hypothesis… Just sayin.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

>They complain all the time about their bosses, yet give them 100 percent respect. You shouldn't confuse showing respect with respecting. A boss can demand certain respectful behaviours to pad their ego, but they cannot demand your respect.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Aye, I don't respect some of my bosses, but i do what i'm told because it's my job.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

To everybody saying the job is less important, just go quit your job and tell your spouse.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Ahh if your spouse leaves you or it seriously damages your relationship, I suggest you go find another spouse. Start over.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I realized I was quick to tell my spouse if she did something that annoyed me or I wanted her to do something a different way, but at work I'd just go behind someone and do it myself or I'd keep quiet if they did it in a way that annoyed me. I decided to bring the attitude I have at home to work and honestly I'm much happier. I don't get home from work and run what happened that day through my head repeatedly. If you're an ass, then you're an ass. Bring that with you wherever you go. It's not meant to be concentrated on one or two people.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I don't want a partner that expects me to compromise my morals?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Who said anything about compromising your morals?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

We all know how work works. Idk if you're married or dating but some times work does come first. And people say yes at work because it's their job to do their job. You're allowed to say no in your personal life. You're allowed to say I don't want to do this thing. You're even allowed to say no at work and typically when people are complaining about something work related it's a situation where they couldn't say no. OP you're not being very specific about what compromises you expect I will say that someone being a workaholic can ruin a relationship but I have ask, what moral things are you trying to get to your spouse or significant other to compromise on? What do you want that compromises their moral integrity that leads them to telling you no?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Because at the end of the day, I need to make sure I and those who depend on me have food, shelter & transportation. I have to take care of myself, and generally my job won't cheat, and leave anyway.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You will lose a lot of money chasing women, but you won't lose a lot of women chasing money. At the end of the day I have to be number one and when I do better so do the people in my life.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You're going to get a lot of pushback about your choice of words, but I think I agree with you. We live in a society where careers, money, entertainment, and *things* are sometimes portrayed as being more important than personal relationships.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I figured. Question, what words specifically or sentences are bad choices or make it sounds worse than it is?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This is absolutely incorrect. We live in a society that demands labour to survive and in any relationship this needs to be a priority. It shouldn't be the most important, yes. But, it needs to take priority when necessary. My wife knows the long hours I work provide her with food, shelter and things she needs.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Two things can be true at the same time. You can live in a society that demands labour while also using the fruit of your labor for materialistic things. And I'm sorry but working yourself into an early grave will never be one of my priorities, I'm gonna do my job but I'm not gonna make my entire life about my job. Your wife could get food water and shelter by herself or she could get with any number of men and they could do those things, providing her with the absolute bare minimum to live doesn't make you a good guy and it doesn't make your relationship strong.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Your job sustains you and your spouse is unlikely to stay if you lose your job. We are all housewives to our oligarch overlords.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

That happens with my wife and i don't know why.... i keep telling her it is not ok to eat 4-5 hours after the time you are supposed to eat just because "there are clients waiting". Yet if i ask something that is against her will (even if it is beneficial for the whole family), i get greeted with chain of slurs for some reason.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

She is an adult (presumably), she is capable of choosing when to eat instead whenever you think she should be eating

by Anonymous 7 months ago


by Anonymous 7 months ago

What world are you living in? This isn't a thing. I have no idea what you're talking about

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I respect neither

by Anonymous 7 months ago

My wife is the most important thing that exists.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

thats general opinion

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The difference is fear imo

by Anonymous 7 months ago