+244 Driver's Education should be mandatory for all drivers in the USA, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The vast majority of people can pass a driving test 10 years later. The issue is that people are on their phones, don't care to use turn signals, drive erratically, or just don't pay attention. Anyone can pay attention during a 20 minute driving test. Whether or not they care enough to pay attention while they are on the road by themselves is something you can't fix.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I cant tell you how many times Im behind someone going like 10+ miles below the speed limit, kinda driving on the lines and when I get up next to them I see them staring at their phone on their lap. WTF?!?!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This just sounds like cars being taken away from poor people.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If people are getting license after their parents trained them with there bad habits then we should be looking at the test, which in the US is usually cheap and easy. Like, who letting people pass with bad habits? But reality is bad habits can form afterwards. I took driver courses and drove properly and over time I started to drive like crap better than most.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Government should pay for it. What a way to incentivize going to school. It should be provided for by schools when people come of age. The driving test and fees should be free for the first license. And for adults, there should also be government paid for classes, test, and fees.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

As a citizen of Northern Ireland I agree, but specifically for Matthew Broderick.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It isn't?! That's bonkers

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Sorry costs money to better the lives of the every day citizens so that's not acceptable!! Let me know when you can give more money to the rich thanks!

by Anonymous 7 months ago