-11 Deaf dogs will never get the joy of someone calling them a good boy/girl, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Veterinarian here. Dogs are experts at reading human body language. They might not be able to *hear* it, but they definitely know.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I imagine that they're way more overjoyed feeling that thump thump and then *surprise* their best friend is there ready for good times.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Do you ever think that dogs understand their owners better than the owners understand them?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It's possible, but it's also a two-way street.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I imagine a deaf dog seeing their owner smile when they look at them, and feeling their owner scratch the spot they like scratched most is the equivalent to that.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

So true, we don't deserve doggos but I'm glad we have them

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yep, I used to be a dog trainer, and deaf dogs are a joy to work with!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This warms my heart

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Average human here. And I wanted to say the same thing. They may not hear it, but deep inside they will know that they are a good doggo.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

No, but they know. I've worked with enough deaf dogs to know that they get just as excited.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

just sign it to them then

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Can't you train them to understand sign language?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yes! Dogs actually learn hand signals faster than verbal cues.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Kind of… They don't really understand language, but they can learn a lot of symbols.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

i saw a video of a guy who had a hearing dog and a deaf dog. whenever he wanted to say "go for a walk?" he said it out loud to his hearing dog but also did a motion of his two fingers walking across the opposite hand. the deaf dog got zoomies she got so excited haha

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Think I've seen it as well 😂

by Anonymous 7 months ago

If you give them a big hug against your chest and you say it loud enough, they can feel the reverberations of you saying it :)

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I give a thumbs up every time I call them good dogs. If they ever lose their hearing, I'll still be able to give a thumbs up and they'll know what it means

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I, too, trained my dogs with sign language. It's incredibly useful even if they don't go deaf. Need to tell your pet what to do without waking up a baby/other people? Hand signs! Need to command your pet when they're far away? Hand signs! Then I had a pet who went deaf, so the hand signals became even more helpful...

by Anonymous 7 months ago

My dog is becoming deaf and now im sad about that hell alway be a good boy

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Don't be sad. My old boy went deaf by the time he was ten. He lived to fourteen and didn't miss a beat. They overcome. Their other senses become more attuned. He still greeted me at the door when I came home and when I came downstairs in the mornings. Just use a lot of eye contact and touch. He'll be fine and yes, he'll always be a good boy.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Well my boys deaf and hes going blind hes got arthritjs in 3 legs and is like 11 although he isnt blind so thats great

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Eh they might not hear it but they will see it and that's like 90% of it anyways. Also dogs deaf from birth. Not all deaf dogs were born such and many have heard a lot of thing before becoming deaf.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Can't dog read your mannerisms? I think it would be worse if they were blind because they wouldn't know who's saying it.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

A blind dog can distinguish voices from one another

by Anonymous 7 months ago

blind and dead would suck

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Mostly because of the dead part.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I meant deaf^

by Anonymous 7 months ago

And smells

by Anonymous 7 months ago

You smell happy to dog, and you relate (at least by looking at). But it is different in their case, because they remember sounds. Such short pharses can be considered as sounds. So "goodboy" can be considered as something similar to Pavlovian conditioning effect, where dogs reacted to sound of bell by producing salvia despite there was no food. In their case, bell ringed every time before they was fed. In your case, after releasing the "goodboy" sound, the dog usually obtains a pat, treat, or some other kind of affinity, which he/she likes.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

They'll learn body language cues for being a good boy/girl, so they'll feel joy.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Dogs can learn signs.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Recognizing "good boy/girl" is a learned thing. Deaf dogs just recognize other cues of praise.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

That's why you scratch / pet the ears when you smile and say it. Everyone knows a hug and a friendly pat.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

This just makes me sad

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Don't worry, op is incorrect

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The happiest dog I've ever known is deaf (we think from birth). She headbutts us enthusiastically almost every time we pay attention to her. We still talk to her because they can read micro-expressions in tenths of a second, so we're sure she's keenly aware of facial expressions and mouth movements.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

They can't hear it but you can still give a good dog scritches!

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Dogs can learn sign language commands and know when being rewarded.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

There is also non-verbal communication.

by Anonymous 7 months ago