+649 Humans became a dominant species because we learned how to scam animals, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yea pretty much, that and we used what they feared to our advantage (fire).

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I think it was homo erectus who first controlled fire. IMO this technology being gifted to us by an elder race is much cooler than us discovering everything.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

They're still us they're human.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Absolutely. I guess I was lucky. When I was a teenager I read Lord of the Rings and it made me realise how wonderful a world with Elves & Dwarves & Orcs would be - or Vulcans & Klingons. Then I realised our world had it's own, real aliens - Denisovians etc. Thinking of Neanderthals as the equivalent if Dwarves hurts no one, but it does add a little romance to our world.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It's possible those myths were folk memory of such races

by Anonymous 7 months ago

We also learned how to hold stick. Then we learned how to sharpen stick. Then throw stick. Then we came together and used many stick to make shelter away from cold and sun. Then we use stick to make boat to go further and look for things to throw sharpened stick at. On and on. Humanity's history is one long series of "and then they used the sticks to make-"

by Anonymous 7 months ago

i think the word your looking for is "dominate"

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Humans became the dominant species because we learned how to pick up a rock and throw it hard enough and accurately enough to kill a deer with it.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The spear and spear thrower were key also luck. Kill a mammoth with a single blow and let it bleed out, meat locker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spear-thrower

by Anonymous 7 months ago