+610 The only thing money actually can't buy or indirectly help get is a true homie, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It can't buy you exotic pets in the form of extinct animals.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I mean, it's just that no billionaire actually had spent money in trying to revive an extinct species yet. Since it would probably cost too much even for their deep pockets

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I don't know, man. If I were a billionaire, I could probably pay a guy to build me a Homie-O-Tron 5000.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I'm sure you could argue it buys or indirectly helps buy love, but I don't think money can ever buy true love.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Poor people don't get to go out and socialize the same way. Most of the people a poor person meets are going to be through their job(s).

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I think money is now one of the key factors in a loving relationship.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Idk man, my dog is the best friend I've ever had

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It can absolutely indirectly help you get good friends. Being able to engage in social hobbies (something money helps you do) can help you find good friends.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Money can buy the time and energy and lowered mental load to BE a true homie (instead of constantly worrying about yourself), which makes getting a true homie easier

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Money can't buy happiness, but be happy they make money. You won't stay happy if you need to take it in the ass if you want something.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I mean money also can't buy you a Time Machine can it

by Anonymous 7 months ago