+474 David Attenborough is just ridiculous now, amirite?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Yeah but he narrates Warhammer 40k videos like a boss.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Haha this I do agree with :)

by Anonymous 7 months ago

The elite which own: multiple corporations, which are the driving forces of pollution, increased carbon, and ultimately climate change* Get its straight. This isn't about a private jet. It's about the MASSIVE amount of pollution and carbon used by industry with ZERO externalities for doing so. Get it straight.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

I've never heard him once blame any corporation. He just has a disdain for man and there's nothing noble about that.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

All of us would have disdain for those who exploited vulnerable people, threw them out of their homes, destroyed their homes, made whole neighbourhoods homeless then persecuted and shot the homeless people for being where they weren't supposed to be. Rounding the survivors up and making them live in ever-dwindling "reservations". Sound familiar? Do we not have disdain for those who did that to powerless people? And if it continued, even got worse, despite it being brought continually to the public view, publicised, educated to the masses, documentaries made about the beauty, uniqueness, and quality of the oppressed one's lives? All seemingly to no avail? Of course he has disdain, but only on behalf of the animals and plants. He's just being an Erin Brockovich for Nature...and he's been going at it tirelessly and passionately, producing beautiful films, for a very long lifetime, and still is. The injustice to nature, the lack of care from people, the lack of progress, must be heartbreaking. He doesn't blame corporations, what would be the use of that? People would just bitch about "bloody corporations" and that would be all because they wouldn't feel that they could personally make a change. So they'd do nothing except bitch. His message has always been to teach everyday people about the wonder of Nature, and work from the ground up.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

But he always goes on about blaming us. The very people that are just below the middle class or in some cases worse.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Supply is keeping up with demand. What's "externalities"?

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Balls to the wiener

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Maybe listen to the guy and learn something.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

He works for the BBC, what did you expect?🤷

by Anonymous 7 months ago


by Anonymous 7 months ago

The brother of Richard Attenborough (who played old man who made Jurassic Park in the original movie). He is pretty much THE voice of nature documentaries.

by Anonymous 7 months ago

Whoa, never realized those two were related. That's so cool

by Anonymous 7 months ago

It's a man that makes beautifull nature programmes (mainly for BBC) however for the last 2 years, he's turned all political, progressive, sort of manipulatuve and angry. I don't want to watch a nice relaxing programme with a sinister message that tries to make me regret for just living a normal life. That's ridiculous. While that man is privilleged enough to fly to every corner of the World in private planes and try every food he wishes, it's easy for him to say now, he's 90 something and he already lived a life. By the time I'm 90, I will surely not even experience 10% of locations that he has been to

by Anonymous 7 months ago